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Note to staff: I used to have the same IP as my brother but we now don’t use the same IP.

Name: Victoria
Age: 28
Expected Mummy due date:12th November 2018
Day I became a Mummy: 3rd of November 2018
Day I became a Godmother: 16th June 2019
Expecting 2nd little girl: 15th January 2022
Had 2nd little princess: 11th January 2022 I hope you’re happy and healthy.
  1. My Mara Goals
    29th Aug 2019 09:05
    4 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. Doctors update
    9th Aug 2019 06:33
    4 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
  3. DO NOT
    19th Jun 2019 15:03
    5 years & 11 days ago
  4. Mid 2019 Mara Goals
    30th Apr 2019 07:34
    5 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  5. My 2018
    31st Dec 2018 11:17
    5 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  6. My 2017
    10th Nov 2017 05:08
    6 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  7. 19 to 22
    1st Aug 2017 06:06
    6 years & 11 months ago
  8. 5 years later
    25th Jan 2017 00:46
    7 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  9. My 2016 - Late
    16th Jan 2017 02:31
    7 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
  10. Goals
    15th Nov 2016 07:37
    7 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
My 2017
6 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
10th Nov 2017 05:08

I either write these far too early or far too late. Every year I can never just write it mid December. So here I am, early November writing it.

My year in short clips:

January: Dark times, miserable, no friends.
February: Unhappy relationship, birthday went to hell, good valentines day after I spent it with my best friend.
March-July: One huge blur, in a job where I was physically bullied so I walked, started at a new job where i'm still unhappy buy physically unmarked.
August: Almost died, met someone new who is now my rock.
September-November: I made rash but good decisions and within the space of dating for less than a week we made it official. There was no time to mess around as he was soon back off to uni which is 70 miles away and with having a full time job it's difficult to see each other but I wouldn't change this. We make the most of our time together. We spent a few weeks straight before he went back to uni together and they were the best few weeks i've ever had. We've been to places and done things I didn't think I would be comfortable enough to ever do. Even going into town with a friend used to give me anxiety but I have traveled alone to Lincoln just to see him without anxiety I feel very safe with him. He's helped me out the other end of a very dark place and i've now not drank for 2 months and 2 weeks. I have found people who don't make me want to constantly drink. I have found a person who makes me happy and honestly that's the best end to my year that I could ask for.

5 years later
7 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
25th Jan 2017 00:46

It never gets easier like people say. A death of a loved one will always be there, lingering at the back of your mind and from time to time you shed a tear but you'll learn to cope.

In 5 years a lot has happened, i'm 22 soon and for the 5th year you wont be here to celebrate it with me. You would have been in your 80s now, old lady. The boys miss you so much especially Billy, he still sleeps with that teddy of yours although he wouldn't admit that if I asked him. Billy's doing his GCSEs now, Nan. He's 15 years old and he's so intelligent you'd be so proud of him. As for Ryan he's in his second year of secondary school and he might be a little crap at times but he's such a loving kid and so, so funny. I wish Ryan had more time to spend with you and got to know you like Billy and I did but we'll always talk about you and tell him how amazing you were. Mum misses you more than anyone though, she struggled a lot but she got through it, got back into estate agency I hope you're ecstatic for her because I was. I know you're watching over her.

One day i'll come live with you I assume that's not for many, many decades yet though. Till then you'll still be alive in my memories.

I love you forever Nan <3

My 2016 - Late
7 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
16th Jan 2017 02:31

So 2016 was a huge year for me. It wasn't the best but it by far was not the worst. I started my first job, started being more social in real life, "quit" Mara for all of 2 weeks and just altogether it was nice. This is a list of the people on Mara and in my real life that made a huge impact in my 2016:


This lady. Oh goodness this lady is so funny. Like with most of the people i'm about to talk about I met Tuna (Succubus) on the RC group chat. I can always rely on her to cheer me up whether that be with her words of wisdom or through snapchats of worlds cutest children. She quickly became someone I could fully open up with and just be me which sometimes I find difficult but she's too lovely and never judges me no matter how weird or deep I get and she's a mix between a big sister and another mum. Thank you Tuna for making my 2016 that little bit brighter with your being.

So this person is Lizzyful/Autumn/Lizzy. She's super. I love this person so much and the amount of stuff she has to deal with is horrendous but she's always so strong and upbeat. Her snapchats make me cry laugh and I have so many of them screen shot on my phone for days when I need a pick me up. Like with Tuna I can just be me around this goof and I can always rely on Lizzy to put a huge smile across my face. Thank you for everything you've done for me you super duper and beautiful human.

Ris is my religion. I don't really know what to say she's just brilliant such an absolute nut I love it. Always seems to bring out the best in everyone and brings RC and the skype chat to life. Her hair's awesome and I would love her eyebrows. Her topics are my favorite and ugh, just Ris. Dudes, just Ris...

MARTYN IS MY COOL COOKIE. This guy and his chins give me life. Again this person is so strong with everything he deals with. This cookie is constantly in pain and sleeps for like an hour a day i'm not really sure how he copes but he's never snappy with us always there in chat with his music recommendations and just Martyness.

One of the most giving people you'll ever meet just wants to make people happy honestly so glad i've finally become friends with him after seeing him around forums for a couple of years and constantly wanting to befriend him but always being too shy. Ed you're fabulous and I hope one day you're confident enough to chat with us because i'd love to hear your voice ya know cos i'm a freak.

This one and me have known year other many of years and god i'm so proud of how far you've come with everything. I don't know many people who could have gone through everything you have and not completely lost their minds. I know sometimes you don't see it but you're lovely, Gus and extremely resiliant. Keep going bud it'll all be worth it.

We don't know each other extremely well mainly as I lack in the convo department but this kid's a good un and i'm glad you didn't stray from RC because you're a sweetie.

Legit has the cutest laugh ever. So happy to have met you and believe it's nessisary that you become more of a fixture in RC. Talking to you on skype's fun and you're such a nice person with good choices in games.

She's my wife, not yours. We have two beautiful children, Steve (Lizzy) and Kevin Kujo. Lexeh is so beautiful please show me how to face like that and god only knows how good she'd be if she listened to us and made a youtube channel. I love Lex so much she's hilarious and her snapchat stories are one of my favorite things to watch. Love you Lex!

This is my internet bestie of 2 years. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Alec quite truthfully he's got me through my darkest days and i'll never be able to fully express just how much he means to me. Though I call him names on a daily basis I don't actually have a mean thing to say about him I just need to express how much of a poo I am daily so he doesn't forget. Alec thank you so much for talking to me almost every day for two years sometimes we drift due to work or uni but i'm sorry to say you're stuck with me for life because there's no chance i'll ever let us not be friends. I know where you live, remember that. Just so you know every single time I see that I have a skype message from you my face still lights up i'm always so excited to talk to you because you're random and I never know what to expect. Love you lots internet bestie. (rotating cake)

All hail worlds cutest Canadian with worlds cutest Peanut. Technically Dakota has been roomless for the past month as it's mine. Dakota doesn't get on much as he's too busy with real life but when he's on he's awesome and I love chatting to him and demanding dog pics. I wish you got more time off to chat with us but thank you for making skype chat lit when you're on!

Relationship goals right here my dudes. Should honestly be a comedian because he's be so successful everyone would adore him and he's take over the world. Do it man, do it.

So lovely. There's no other way to describe this lady other than lovely. She honestly never has a bad word to say about everyone and has the ability to stay perminantly optimistic. She's like the human version of a sunflower she's just constantly shining and it's so cute when she apologizes for something that honestly she shouldn't been to apologize for. For example she could have a mini rant then feel guilty and I sit there in awe of what just happened because she's so lovely.

Though I know your name I don't think i'll ever use it, i'm so sorry it just confuses me. I'm the person who still freaks out when people call me Victoria. Anyway! Thank you for being there for me over the years and talking to me for ages to calm me down or just talk through how i'm feeling it means everything to me. The world needs more people like you because you deal with enough on your own but then are there for anyone who needs you. Thank you so, so much you absolutely perfect human.

Friends for almost 7 years and all because of this virtual pet site. I don't know if you'll ever see this as you've left here now but I think you already know how very much you mean to me. You're a soul sister and it's funny how after all these years and phone calls that we still constantly have something new to say or talk about. I know it started off as a bit of a joke but we honestly are connected in some really weird way. Whenever one of us is down the other knows it doesn't matter if we haven't text in a week or whatever we know and we text or call the other to know what's going on and it is so nice to have someone who that happens with. This year will be the best year you've had so far i'm so in love with you you're my little sister and i'm so dam protective over you. We have been there through each others lowest points and highest too and like with Alec you're never going to drift from my life.

Amelia is my Queen. If I ever refer to someone as "Queen" or "Mealworm" it's this lady. I met her in my 3rd year of college and bless her she was only a foetus of a human only 16 years old just out of secondary school and now she's 19 and expecting her first child with her hamster of a boyfriend. I can't wait to be a non biological aunty to this bean i'm going to spoil him/her rotten just like I do you. Thank you for helping me last year on that night. You saved my life and you didn't judge me for my stupidity and I just could not ask for a better best friend. You're my missing piece without my best friend I feel like crap but together we're the best. I love you so, so much.

Once again if you hurt any one of these people I will not be the happiest of bunnies. I love all these people so much and i'm so lucky to know them.

7 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
15th Nov 2016 07:37


Swaghetto: Anime Gobble [x]
Sinnistur: Halloween Gobble []
Katrika: Voodoo Gobble [x]
Zhaciu: Swamp Gobble [x]
Passiefire: Fire Gobble []
McSwag: 500 transformations []
Vworp: Vortex Huthiq []
Contraception: Baby Gobble []
Dinkling: Minipet Gobble []
Fluterby: Bug Phanty []
Foame: Rainy Gobble []
Alerm: Candle Eyru []
Ceremonials: Royal Kujo []
Carnicol: Clown Arinya []
Koltron: Fairy Gobble []
Derped: Candy Raulf []
Toxicatted: Zombie Ushunda []
Eggceptional: Easter Tasi [x]
Farted: ?
Vee: ?


Wardrobe: 3500 []
Stamps: 350 []
Deck: 100 []
Nest: 175 []
Avatars: 650 []
Photos: 500 []
Plates: 300 []
Plushies: 900 []


10mil mp
250k bp
250k rp

50mil mp
250k bp
250k rp

  1. My Mara Goals
    29th Aug 2019 09:05
    4 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. Doctors update
    9th Aug 2019 06:33
    4 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
  3. DO NOT
    19th Jun 2019 15:03
    5 years & 11 days ago
  4. Mid 2019 Mara Goals
    30th Apr 2019 07:34
    5 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  5. My 2018
    31st Dec 2018 11:17
    5 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  6. My 2017
    10th Nov 2017 05:08
    6 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  7. 19 to 22
    1st Aug 2017 06:06
    6 years & 11 months ago
  8. 5 years later
    25th Jan 2017 00:46
    7 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  9. My 2016 - Late
    16th Jan 2017 02:31
    7 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
  10. Goals
    15th Nov 2016 07:37
    7 years, 7 months & 14 days ago