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570 Players Online
17:45:21 MST
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These are the 570 Players that are currently online and playing right now. The most players online yesterday was 662 and most so far today is 651. There have been 4,652 Players online in the past 24 hours. Did you know that the Queen Eleka loyalty rewards you for each unique day you play?
570 Players Online
Ian Nicky 75 wittelsbach, Ratsrule6, chy1994lyd, Jazziness, Natskiddo, Wriothesley, Elise, Kyreecie, Ichikurasaishi, Krkatelyn, Debra, flipsahoy, Firinx, nicecat2, dull, fluffynkacy, Jami, Dianne, Denny1, Renitta, TazLuvr, Terry, SpirouTheDragon, MommaCats, pauliners, TheMIL, JavannaLynn, Momofdoctors, ActuallyTheDog, Twi, Jarhead, SK, Gwylynnsgarden, Melodiously, Nitewalker, Zariani, Cappygirl, Gaiotto, September, AuroraCopernicus, Joanne, Iduna, Loh, Night, Mccandles, Hime, Pearl, AutumnRose, spez, bebbs, Angelet, Ruzek, koborikun, Syddorra, Raisinbran, bef, jello_quean, JesusFreak, Incogneko, ellen44dugas, Annera, Draco, Maths, RiverStarr, ~shooting_star~, MrsRena, Kurama, Nativenancy, Debbie, karenarp, Tribble, AcquaDrizzle, Noodles420, stilla, Icewolf12, tommyg01, perfectplayer6, mymysweetiepie, Maureen, Anamya, Tzologeist, Bulma, Lockheed, freemo, becacat, Fruitycake, Alisha, Armadillo, delloyd, Glade, Becki622, Hati, Bei, Snooty, Behappy, surferdog42, Drama, nickie415, Azaura, ThorGodofThunder, GryphusGirl, Sweetangeleyes, Bewitch, 4evryoung, MaineLobstah, Luckie, Dionysus, DebiJ, laughATme, Blackwiddowspider, Joshley15
72 Ercuw, Cynlife, ducksoup, mle, banancy, Pikachu
71 Lizard, Toadflax
69 Unsullied, Bombshel, Lionheart722, kabocha, Rightmeow, luv1another, Dangelica, grandmaof9, venukid, Mamoru, Chaser, thedawgdays, RainbowDreamz, TheWrongSide, skycruiser1, Troll, Batzy, luckybears, jamaica29
68 AprilDecember, treble, brb2mara, Taylor, aussiesam, IllaniLydia
67 AthenaLove
66 Apatite, mealtha
65 Zed, Vi, midnight989
64 spookycouch
62 tenshijanai05, LaceyDaBunny, Switch, smartgurlzrule2, Roosknop
61 Zygoma, Gummgumm, Lanming
60 Puck, jack8290, Baz, thirindra, Hair, mightywatermelon, sunshinelollipop, Dreamdol
59 Gylly, reikotsu, angelication
58 Wellesandra, Starlingwood, Cause, omandamien, irritate, Lemongrab
57 LindsayRae, Cramp, Kashh, gametrek, Martina, Wishfully, Inkcap, candypaint, bsc33, RainbowGemstone82, PURPLE232, Minuet, lilmouze, Dough
56 VelvetStar, zorosgurl, kyang, 1987rx7, AquaMarine40
55 Zolas, jfox234, RhythmTA, Siofra, Pengyrage, scout, heather, Daisie, RissaPumpkin, SlayerWolf, Tsaram, Tingi1, Spanishmusicfan, Vicious, Gleam, Yuto, Uzumaki, Morty, deerleonardo, Ataraxia
54 Stockmon, lovelykamikaze, samham69, emmy323, James99145, Tarot
53 Lovegood, patacake, Nikon, penguingrl94
52 likeTurbo, Mikazukii, karmablack, j3ss, Lorna
51 Pipinpop
50 Plutocrat
48 Madziu, joefife01234567890, Elenlin, xxxholliejonesxxx, deek21, Articulate
46 SammieAnne, mathildelac
44 dizoro
43 emilypop123, Nimskrt, Wiild, babykittyx28, Sanguineous, phoenici, Syndra, Hairs, Confederacy
42 eeveeerb, GilmoreGirlz
41 Cranium, iammom, tj, jellyja, emberopal, abiets, caringaisha9644, Paisles, cesarangel, Chevelle75, giraffenop, enchantment, Zalfenior, Liquid, maddycake, lorabellis, Wylan, SLPY, Winterskiss, 1shotimdrop, UglyBettyLover, Inspirit94, cutiepie12345678977
40 OfADifferentColor, boubouli
38 na
37 noperopenoodlepope
36 Syloqui, Lyssers, Seo, spring2time, Languoreth, classycritter, Koah, bethany166, Kazzi, candywifee, dori7816, OmgitsJess, Kimbo, Wolfenheimer, Basic, AlphaGreyWolf, LunarOrchid, Avarie, IsabelleTF, Brie, illidari, MuffinBaby, katiekate, knitty1121, rcr2cwr1hlr1, Desmodontinae, ShadowDraggy
35 puppydog540
34 breadvelvet, OpalWesten, Valorua, MissFudge, scorbert, Beige, Suguru, Blankshooter, Lexni, koriandr, Cryable
33 Guardianangel, Charmozie, abbiek1, Connoa, huckle410, jjjjjp, jacksonavery, Malefica, Dadtea
32 Octopus, OneWhosN, Smirk, Nimlollen
31 Hatsuharu01, Unicornlover40, Muerto, SnotSlime, SupaNova, Moggs, BBGirl55, LatiLady
30 Bearkat, SoftPastels, Monaanduno
29 phixaxion, maxinesheela, QueenChevvy, babykroll454, Lilacbreeze76, Mi, Cetti, RoseRukia, Amberlynx10
28 Junieb98, RVT, Oofy404, mummyof2xxx, Luoss, HoneyPepeer, VioletSkies96, VeryTerry, Paigesmurf, Casseopiax
27 dryless, Midnight_Renegade, bestill, Beryl13, tabithawright, xoemmy
26 Pipperton, yuyu6666, deepy12, Plaguepanther, Supabudgie
25 soonjiiowner, sculpt, Eos_, BumbliestSea, FullMoonHime, Clarebear, Diskonnnekted, Revenge, euphemism, mwppreturns, Kiefie
24 Pinkysun, Tinessa
23 creamy, Bisness, Cottonee, Loui5e, Creril
22 Darknessing, myra131, tamadude123party, Shadowacid, gerbor, Valkyrra, DawnWanderer
21 kapee, TetyanaKozachuk, SmallDarkRaven, go, Melite, n0tS, Oceanfront, eisa, mari32123, flashy48, HesheStar, MorganMilazzo, Iva, infinityluna, CottonCandiBubbleGum, Rezeul, purplezelda1, JadenSykes, noel1987, VixeySam, rainbowcowbutts
20 Taminfey, Hanster, wolf1978, Firstborndragon, Beauty, justin242, Bryyn, princesschoc1980, Plusha, Fuzzyprophet
18 Hyphentypo, Growl, windmouse, loradream, kidgame2001, mandapie, Benjamin2016, huskywolfminty, FindingNikki, Divulge, JennyLungbarrow, backbiter22, sydbeeurself, blueberryfruit
17 thegothickitty33, kayleekat11, DaiseyStarr, AdrianLocz, pelpet, Incantations, meepeoki, Bewitched, BLEACH
16 Rainygreycloud, coconutburst96, Orlean, ArcaneStego, Nikki1416, schnozfish, imply, Rainfire, saratonin, Dumplin, correctoraline, JeannieGold, Farindale, lexkillerkitten1000, Benevolentwanderer, practicalcat, reesesking, ohheyitsshannon, jukeer88, Honeymoon, italianmobsta
15 Queen5cylla, TrueCrimeFan, quinnsanityxo, c********e, aryeh_vered, Cy, Maxie3, Cloud8, ckawae, AiruTheSwift, Zalezagoon, fangsdrip, PrincessEvie4, Marms, YaoiGoddess005, lunababy1228, Kittycat18, sztyle, Reffies, deathuponastar05, MargareeeeT, allahsgoose, oLEVIATHANo, FireIris, Eriekether, MidnightWolfCry, Caats, MissPiggy95, Alishkah, LemonKitten, chocolumi, EmeraldEl, MainecoonDacelio, PitBullet, StarEyedUnicorn, silverpanthra, Kiteinia, torch94, the411, Blackpink95, sweetyashley15, Pedro, 3D, itsumoitsuki, right500, Druanna, xfirenzx, ann49, Thunderdog, cartholomew, DemetriusA, CatWildwood, Keiiro, Watsky
14 niallersprincess
13 h0undst00th, Sabbat, Chrissie74, Clvee, fivefoot, rabbitluvr4643, snowyplushyQwQ
12 Mommma
11 lulzy, Drawdozer, Jpz7, speedforce44, kiaraleu, PariStar
9 Finnegann11, Qgirl2, Misz013, angelmom2
5 testerly, Ryuthan, scarlettwitchh
4 HD420, h8ter1
2 xXGiratinaPalkiaXx, PrettyPumpkin0116, BabyGirl1975, kenhinas, thimblecity
1 Halloween2011, JamesBond007, Stuti, frogge2425
0 kirzen, 1654143445, ILikeCurry, ChaChaCha, BlueSkyReverie, LadyLexa1, StevenUniverse4ever, 5490194453
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