16 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
28th Nov 2008 20:52 Whenever a club member refer new members,we are going to give her/him/them a prize.
1-4 refferal-100mp
5-14 refferals-1000mp
15-19 refferals-A minipet(random)
20-27 refferals-10000mp
28-34 refferals-A random potion
35-56 refferals-20000mp
57-60 refferals-Jackpot!
These are the members that refer members so far:
2.Brushandlearn224892-5(i guess)
If i had mistaken,misspell or you have refer members but i did not put your name here,please mm me,yazreen96 or Brushandlearn224892..Thank you!
Advertise Section...
16 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
26th Nov 2008 20:30 Thinking of advertising your club?Here's you chance to prove it.
1)yAZreen96's advertise:
HeY,heY,heY!uR YoU CluBlEsS?ThiNkInG oF JoInInG A ClUb?yOur In Luck CoS TrEe sTuMp HaS a pLaCe 4 YoU..
Join Tree Stump now and you won't regret it.Trust me!We have the best activities,contest,games and much more!
*Club Music
*Nice and cosy layout
*Bestest members
*Helpful staff
*Great co-leader and nice leader
*Happy members always!
*Great amount of mp
*quite active and will be the most active club.
Had enough?No?MM yazreen96(leader)or brushandlearn224892
You have your own advertise and want to share with us?MM me,yazreen96.Ok?Have advertising!
16 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
26th Nov 2008 20:17 We have rules in this club and you have to follow or be deleted..
Follow the MUST rules to survive.
MUST rules:
1.Be active
2.Be nice
3.No spamming unless it's SPAM night
4.No bullying other members
5.Do not ask to be staff unless we want you to be or if we have "Staff finder competition"
6.Each member MUST have TSP.
7.Be helpful
These are the non-MUST rules and you can follow if you want:
2.Play any contest that is being held in the club
3.Chat alot to win prizes
4.Advertise the club
5.Have a job at least
More coming soon!
1.If you break your first rules,you will get a warning.
2.If you break your second rules,you will get a second warning a 2nd chance for you to stay in the club.
3.If you break your third rules,me and the co-leader will have to disquss wheter to deleted you or not from be a part or Tree Stump.Be alert!
OTM's chooser...
16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
26th Nov 2008 06:48 Here's the deal..
MOTM=we pick depends on your activeness,helpfulness and lots more...Your personalities,respectful to other members,leader,co-leader and staffs..If you have the qualifications but we didn't pick you to be name here,mm me,yazreen96 or Brushandlearn224892.Don't lie or be deleted.If you think your friend(this club member)have the qualification to bE MOTM,mm me and "your friend's username(your nickname choose)"Winners will win a "Suprise"Different amount of mp everytime depends on the qualifications
sportytwingemini(yaz choose)
Qualify members:
Brushandlearn224892(yaz choose)
memeandmoreme19(yaz choose)
gofreshDove(yaz choose)
POTM=Your pet must be graceful,happy and have lots of charisma,have been battle before and won and have a job..A great job..We will choose the best pet to won POTM or POTY(Pet Of the Year)If you think your pet qualifies,mm yaz or makey with your pet's name and your nickname.Winners will win 20K
jenny_85(yaz pet's)=she's qualifies
Qualify pets:
Not yet
We will not have Donator Of The Month for now.
ROTM=Easy.Just refer as many members as you can and win 40K or a random costume.
Fill In the Jobs Form...
16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
26th Nov 2008 05:59 If you wish to apply for any jobs you want,mm me,yazreen96 or post here by filling this form and make sure the form that you fill is complete.
Have donate?yes/no
Active?Prove it..
Make club layouts:yes/no(Prove it)
Really want that job?Why?Giv reason for the job that you pick
Have been in club for a month?yes/no
Have any TSP?yes/no
That is the form and you have to fill so we can put you in one of the OPEN jobs..