Advertise Section...
16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
26th Nov 2008 20:30 Thinking of advertising your club?Here's you chance to prove it.
1)yAZreen96's advertise:
HeY,heY,heY!uR YoU CluBlEsS?ThiNkInG oF JoInInG A ClUb?yOur In Luck CoS TrEe sTuMp HaS a pLaCe 4 YoU..
Join Tree Stump now and you won't regret it.Trust me!We have the best activities,contest,games and much more!
*Club Music
*Nice and cosy layout
*Bestest members
*Helpful staff
*Great co-leader and nice leader
*Happy members always!
*Great amount of mp
*quite active and will be the most active club.
Had enough?No?MM yazreen96(leader)or brushandlearn224892
You have your own advertise and want to share with us?MM me,yazreen96.Ok?Have advertising!