16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
26th Nov 2008 20:17 We have rules in this club and you have to follow or be deleted..
Follow the MUST rules to survive.
MUST rules:
1.Be active
2.Be nice
3.No spamming unless it's SPAM night
4.No bullying other members
5.Do not ask to be staff unless we want you to be or if we have "Staff finder competition"
6.Each member MUST have TSP.
7.Be helpful
These are the non-MUST rules and you can follow if you want:
2.Play any contest that is being held in the club
3.Chat alot to win prizes
4.Advertise the club
5.Have a job at least
More coming soon!
1.If you break your first rules,you will get a warning.
2.If you break your second rules,you will get a second warning a 2nd chance for you to stay in the club.
3.If you break your third rules,me and the co-leader will have to disquss wheter to deleted you or not from be a part or Tree Stump.Be alert!