More in ..:Light EvOluSion:.. Club news!
16 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
25th Oct 2008 20:23 NEWS
[03:10:24 MST]
I finally change the layout into brigter layout(Hehehe...sorry for bad spelling)I just hope you like the new layout and please be active ok?
P.S=If you want to read the old news,please check yazreen96's blog at her profile to read them ok?
[13:35:45 MST]
Sorry for not put any new upadates...Yesterday is halloween and we supposed to have some games but i'm sorry..No fun for you all..Another bad news...3 Members had left the club...So sad.....
[10:49:10 MST]
Today is SPAM day!You can spam all day without stoping so gte spamming now!^^..One more..Just a reminder....Each member that are coming to the Halloween Party MUST have LEP or you'll never get invite from me or makey....Halloween is nearer but only 3 members that have LEP....What happened to you guys?Oh and one more,We will have Big Event after the halloween party and will only take 10 peoples so if you want to take me or makey FAST!
Congrats to Memeandmoreme19 for her rank from newborn to sunshine! Congratz! We will e celebrating when we decide to! If she is lucky she will have her party on the halloween party date!
[O6:45:34 MST]
Ok....You all know that we are going to have a special halloween party rite?But we still doesn't have enough members!So...The only way to make the party fun and awesome,each of this club members MUST refer atleast 1 member....And one more,We cannot give invites to you if you didn't have LEP...
HALLOWEEN PARTY! This halloween party is gonna be awesome! I will be in charge of it. I can only tell you somethings that will be in it! When the halloween party starts thats when the Club Store will be open! Another is that there will be NEW games! And lots more! Oh and not to forget... OUR OWN CLUB WEBSITE! And if you take part in the festival[party festival] you will get a chance to win RARE ITEMS! And more! So check the news to get the notice when it starts!
[11:21:40 MST]
We have a new news person! Brushandlearn224892! For now on the news will be here and will be done her way!