17 years & 1 day ago
5th Jan 2008 18:30 My club, Riley's sister, and me will be starting off the New Year with a gallery full of stuff. We will be collecting different items and please feel free to check anyones galelry from the club and see if you can keep mine and their collections going. If you are wondering what I am collecting I maily collect bones. Anything else you see in my gallery is for my club and instead of putting it in my attic i leave them in my gallery, so yeah. I am blogging more than ever now that I have tons of Resposibility. There are REFUNDS, if you choose to donate to their galleries. The refund prices will be up to 50-100 marapoints considering which one you gave to and you have to send a maramail stating why you choose to get the item back. Thanks for the support so far and have a wonderful life.