16 years, 1 month & 3 days ago
2nd Dec 2008 21:13 So in response to my last blog 'Collection' I am going to update. Since all of you know that my club is no longer available, my clubmates are in need of a club, including myself even. So if you would be so kind and invite us to your awesome club (: it would be greatly appreciated. Secondly, the collections my non-existant club USED to do is still up for grabs. So as to refresh your memories, here are 'my' club members collection items:
rein01princess: Bones
smileyriley014: Voodoo Dolls
jer1c0904: Potions
j0yal33z: Gumballs
jayaraquelroxursox: Stars
h1mjust1n: Pearls
x0reiinbowx0: Plushies
There they are (: so please continue with the success their making with their collections. Thank you and Bye