15 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
16th Sep 2009 20:52 So it's been a while since I've been on marapets. I guess with school and everything i kind of lost track and forgot about this site, haha. Well back to the point .. i MIGHT make another club. Maybe, its not for sure yet because I'm trying to recruit new members before I make it so then i know its not gonna be a total waste of time, haah. I just want at LEAST 10 people to start out with in my club. And hopefully my club will have newbie packs that get to you on time and better prizes to win. I will give special things out on holidays - but dont expect anything fancy. Besides that, I hope you consider to join .. that is if i decide to make one. I'm still looking for a better club right now. I'm not really active in the one I'm currrently in, so hit me up if you have any ideas on how I should run my new club [if i decide to start one]