To: x0reiinb0wx0
16 years & 12 days ago
24th Dec 2008 16:08 Dear xoreiinb0x0,
Merry Christmas! I hope that you get the chance to read this because supposedly your not legible to recieve mail yet -_-
Anyway, I hope you liked the haircut coupon I got you for christmas, by the way it didnt cost me any marapoints so dont feel bad, i took a look at your wishlist and you wanted one, and i just remembered that i had had one in my gallery this whole time haha (: so i was the one spending my marapoints on all of those coupons. haha! You are a very great friend. I hope you like your gift!
With Love,
P.S. when your done reading this, do me a favor and comment because i have no idea what your reaction is (: