My Personal Doll Tips (don’t look unless you need to)
4 years & 4 months ago
27th Aug 2020 00:54 NOTE: If you wish to read this, please do not judge, think I am an expert, or think all of this is wrong. Thank you!
My Tips
- Save a base doll as a selfie. More about it here:
- Plan the outfit even before you start putting those beautiful shoes on.
- Layer clothing. Do you want to put that jacket over that shirt? Do you want to put that belt above those pants? Then layer!
- Change mouth, nose, and eyebrows if you are just starting out. No, not CHANGE the eyebrows, WEAR the eyebrows.
- Have a theme. It might sound like the “plan the outfit” tip, but the outfit you are planning might just be random clothes put together.
- Put holos and scenery (and possibly accessories) to make it look better. Also layer them.
- Put hair extensions if needed. Why waste your savings on a super expensive pigtails wig when you can smoosh a short wig and pigtail hair extensions together that are, BTW, in your wardrobe already?
- Match the hair extension and hair color. If you want it to look like a wig, do not color the pigtails GREEN while the REAL wig is RED!
- Stick to only a few colors for your entire doll, unless it is a rainbow look. Otherwise, you will look like a total M E S S.
- Only choose wardrobe items that fit the doll. There are some shoes that leave gaps.
- Using makeup is FAB, but combining them is sometimes GORGE. Mascara and glam eye shadow are OK by themselves, but when you combine them, they’re GREAT!
- Don’t use too much makeup, and make them visible but not too visible.
Here’s how you can remember this:
Normal makeup
Too much makeup
Not visible makeup
Too visible makeup
- Experiences are sometimes useful, so use them if you think it will blend in your doll.
- Ask for help! The dress-up forum might be able to give you suggestions.
Adding more tips later when I think of them.