Feedback on Chapter 1 please!?
11 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
11th Jun 2013 20:13 Hello ,
I would love for some feedback ASAP! It's a little long but if you complete it I'll send you little something as as a thanks
This is YA, it does have some light swearing, so know that. Nothing too bad though.
Link to chapter is here :
1.Does it go too fast?
2.Is there anything as a reader you want explained immediately? (like things that seem immediately confusing, not like why people are this way or that etc)
3. What is your impression of the main character? World? Situation?
4. Would you want to keep reading?
5. If so, would you like to see the MC go straight to where he is headed and jump in learning stuff as you go OR would you rather have a flashback the next chapter about what led up to the events of chapter 1?
6. Any particular likes and dislikes, or anything else you would like to bring up!
Please post replies on this blog.