10 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
30th Mar 2014 21:48 Hi ,
It's nearly nine years now I've been on this site. Happily plugging away during it's ups and downs and my own. Sticking relatively to myself and stalking forums haha But I think it's time for me to finally move on, to take a hiatus that might turn out to be indefinite. I'm not a rich player by any means but I want to distribute what I have to active players that might benefit.
Easter is in on the horizon! So I thought I would hold a few early events (art contests, writing, words games etc and give my stuff out as prizes.
Prizes will include all my pets (excluding Lacrymis which will be the one I keep). Random items for participants, and mp prizes yet to be determined.
So I just came up with this idea lol so the first even will start as soon as I can get everything ready.
In the meantime please buy from my shop if you can as I've cleaned out my attic to fund this last project of mine! Also any donations will be appreciate! Even just buy a sultan pearl (at regular price) from my shop if you feel inclined. Either way within the next week or so I'll be giving away what I have.
I will post an update blog as soon as I can. Thanks
UPDATE 1: Thanks for the interest! I'm starting to plan now while waiting for my shop to get mostly empty. I will create a forum, probably tomorrow so please subscribe to my blog and forums so you can stay updated. Thanks!