Greedy Gurtrude Log Attempt #2
11 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
29th Sep 2013 21:11 ATTEMPT #1: Failed on Level 16 Cost 2,182,500
Lvl 1: Be Someone Elses Candy Spade(had) Thunder Potato
Lvl:2 Marada Easter Egg (100k) 250mp
Lvl 3: Sour Fingers(had) Thunder shirt
Lvl4 : Cotton Candy Easter Egg (had) 500mp
Lvl 5: The Leprechaun Easter Egg(250k) 750mp
Lvl 6: Smores Candy Apple(had) 1000mp
Lvl 7: Orange Gummy Dakota (had) 1250mp
Lvl 8: Jar of Sunshine (had) Thunder Sword
Lvl 9: Mango Ice Cream Cone (had)
Lvl 10: Can of Grapes (had)
Lvl 11: Chocolate Cherry Awestruck Pumpkin 8th Birthday Potato (had all but choc cost 400k) 2000mp
Lvl 12: Large Vanilla Latte, Mouldy Fruit, Skull Muffins (FAIL!)