Looking for someone to desing a book cover for me:
12 years, 9 months & 1 day ago
14th Apr 2012 20:28 Hi ,
I recently finished my first novel(yay me) and I really want a cover for it made on photoshop(gimp etc) for when I print it out. I would make it myself but I am no good at book covers... I've tried and failed many times. XD This cover would just be for personal use, since admittedly this novel is pretty bad lol and will not be seeing a publisher.
But I want it to look as if it were a real book cover (with title, my name, etc). I am willing to pay someone 200k to make it, more if it ends up being harder than I think it will be.
I also need help deciding what cover image to use. XD I have no vision for these things lol But I can provide it as fast as a day once I've decided, or if you can draw/find the image I choose then that would be great to.
So if you are someone who would like to help me then please send me an MM and I will send you the details.