15 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
21st Feb 2009 16:54 Here are some of my fave quotes:
"A true friend would bail you out of jail. A best friend would be sitting beside you and saying that was so damn fun!"
"Death is life's way of telling you you're fired."
"If you ask a stupid question, you'll get a stupid answer."
"To the whole world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
"A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it."
"If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect so why practice?"
"Smile... It confuses people."
"Don't cry for anyone who won't cry for you."
"A life? Cool, where can I download one of those?"
"Trust takes years to build, but only moments to shatter."
"If at first you don't succeed, then failure must be your thing."
"I hear voices and they don't like you."
"After all is said and done, more is said than done."
"Eat right, exersize reguarly, die anyway"
"Being best friends means killing each other over a bag of chips and in the end not saying sorry, but "Ha ha loser!"