Jess:// Why thirteen is my unlucky number! D8
15 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
25th Aug 2009 14:10 As many of you know, I am 13 at the moment, and ever since my birthday, I've had more bad luck than good luck. Since my birthday I have had (in chronological order):
The common cold
Strep complications & almost hospitalization:
The Flu
Planters wart
various spains to most of my fingers
more sickness
an extensor tendon fracture to my middle finger
three layers of skin ripped off the soul of my feet
Aren't I special? I have a feeling that I'm prone to physical injury....
Ughhh, my unluckyness strikes again.
9/12/09 My great uncle dies
9/18/09 My Uncle is diagnosed with stage III cancer in his larynx and vocal chords
9/19/09 My first legit boyfriend breaks up with me over the phone, and then called me immature to one of my friends.
^Life just absolutely loves me.