[b][i]And he who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby becomes the monster. And if you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.[br]
Friedrich Nietzsche[/b][/i]
[b][i][center]About Moi[/center][/i][/b][br]
[b]Name:[/b] Jess, Jessi, or Hippi [br]
[b]Age:[/b] 13, but mature. Sometimes.[br]
[b]Location:[/b] Jesslovakia (Just kidding, Connecticut, USA)[br]
[b]Maramail:[/b] Yeah, just no begging or being rude or else I\\\'ll block you, and I don\\\'t care what you say.[br]
[b]Marapal:[/b] Yeah, of course! I accept ALL requests.[br]
[b]Club:[/b] Never! I\\\'m the proud Co-Owner of Mara:Chill, mail me if you would like to join, we are going private![br]
[b]Circus:[/b] 30/30[br]
[b]Tarquin:[/b] 14/30[br]