*cough* Twilight sucks *cough*
15 years & 13 days ago
30th Dec 2009 18:55 "Twilight is NOT a bad book."
Yes it is.
"Im tired of people saying its horrible, suckish, ill-written, and pointless."
I'm tired of the fans whining about how people have a different opinion than them.
"Okay i can say i DID hate the book. I didnt want ANYTHING to do with it."
"But then i read ti and it was a pretty good book."
Aw. ):
"Most people hate the books because of the fans."
Most people hate the books because they suck.
"That to me is stupid. If the fans ruin it, then thats that."
"But you cant say it sucks."
Fine. The fandom sucks.
"You can say it sucks if you read it."
Great. The books suck.
"But if you didnt, then your judging it because of what others think and say, or what your hear."
Fair enough.
"Twilight i guess you can say, is aimed towards more girls than guys."
No wai!!!!!
"That is because it deals with love and romance, something girls like."
I'm a girl.
I hate most romance.
I like 'splosions, blood, violence, gore, etc.
Oh, and Twilight has no romance. (:
"Twilight is well written,"
No it's not.
"if it wasnt....Then it wouldnt be here today."
There aremany crappy things that are still around.
Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers, Family Guy, and so on and so forth.
"The characters ADVANCE in Twilight,"
No they don't.
Bella stays stupid, weak, dependant, and rude.
Edward stays a controlling, stalking freak.
Jacob, I guess,does develop. But not in a good way.
The rest of the characters are flatter than paper, but they too don't develop.
"whether you think it or not."
Whether you think it or not, there is no character development.
"Bella is faced with challenges that make her stronger"
Faced with challenges, maybe.
Stronger? No. If anything, she gets weaker and more dependant.
"and Edward and Jacob too."
"&& Yes you can Say that the vampires are stupid because they Shimmer, and Vampires dot."
So, if I give it one million eyes, is it still a Cyclops?
No. Vampire has a specific definition and Meyer disregarded it.
"But that is HER take on it."
She's wrong.
"Im not gonna make you like/love Twilight, but im just saying."
Then why the rant?
"Try reading before judging."
I have and they suck.