Total Pets!
16 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
7th Mar 2008 17:46 These here are a list of all the pets that I have ever owned, and which ones I currently have. This is just a cute little list that I made to amuse myself. :]
Ranio the Angel Poera
Realism the Recycled Daisy
Runte the Prison Quell
Iciliae the IceFairy Dakota
Kylleigh the Green Daisy
Uizeru the Anime Quell
Diandy the Anime/Prison Quell
Kissed the Valentine Arinya
Tsaima the Mummy Chibs
Aamelle the Ice Viotto
Xravis the Bug Sybri
Youchunnie the Silver Mordo
Tael the Green Lorius
Eaven the Ice Viotto
Macellarius the Mutant Daisy
Velixir the Frostfire Ercuw
Pythoga the Orange Poera
Adulate the Voodoo Fasoro
Agro the Glass Fasoro
Auroruhh the Ghost Zoi
Creisa the Glass Fasoro
DeathlyxHallows the Halloween Tantua
DinoSketchie the Elf Fasoro
Faeriewing the Pixie Fasoro;
the Love Fasoro;
the Eleka Fasoro;
the Yellow Fasoro;
the Fire Yakubi;
the Ghost Gonk;
the Grey Gonk;
the Old Osafo;
the Fat Osafo;
the Fat Leido;
the Green Leido;
the Chocolate Leido;
the Old Leido;
the Green Leido;
the Green Walee;
the Blue Walee;
the Shaved Walee;
the White Renat;
the Yellow Renat;
the Seasonal Doyle;
the Blue Walee;
the Pirate Grint;
the Minipet Addow;
Hwuag the Yellow Fasoro (used for the Egg Hunt)
Juilee the Royal Tantua
Kylliegh the Musical Feliz
Maurquan the Water Fasoro
PortalzPet the Fairy Gonk
Rasllian the Skinny Fasoro
Tael (portal pet ; Link charrie)
Tharios the Ghost Gonk
Kalorius the Yellow Kaala