Gon ~ If I blocked you ...
15 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
22nd Nov 2009 13:36 It is due to one of these reasons:
1. You sent me a random friend request (Immature? Deal with it). I will request you if I want to be friends with you. If we have talked a lot, I may accept a friend request from you but not otherwise.
2. You insist on using chatspeak when you talk to me. This applies if I have asked you to stop using chatspeak but you insist on continuing anyway or if your chatspeak is so bad that I cannot read it.
3. If you are too grammatically incorrect I will admit my grammar isn't that good but, if yours is really bad and I don't understand you, I will block you. I will let you off if English is not your first language.
4. You annoyed me in mail, my club or forums (not there a lot). I have a short temper so I would advise you didn't try to annoy me. I will tell you if you are annoying me and, if you continue, I will block you.
5. You make fun of me, my money or my pets. I probably made a million and got an LE before you did but I don't attempt to have a lot of well-named, costumed, LE pets and I don't really want a lot of mp. I am "poor" by choice and, besides, I may have more money in the bank that you cannot see.
6. You keep on inviting me to your club when I say no. I have stated that I will look at your club but I don't want you asking me repetitively if I will join or not. A no is a no and I won't change my mind if you pester me.
7. You ask for one of my pets or a free item. I earn my pets and items so you should too. I don't care if your snake died so you want a Poera in memory of him/her, I don't care if I own your dream pet and I don't care if you're new and poor ... we all were at one point. I will give you advice if you're new but that is all I will give you.
8. You expect me to give you something for free due to you being a friend. I do not care if you are my best friend on Mara (Charlie xD) or not. I will only give you a free item if I want to. For example, I gave Charlie a Ninja costume today because she gave me a Midnight costume beforehand but that was due to the fact I wanted to and I owed Charlie not because she asked me to.
9. You ask me to be your mara-girlfriend (get one in real life), your mara-boyfriend (don't bother ... I'm female), your mara-twin (position taken), part of your mara-family (I'm just not into those things) or anything of the sort.
10. Your profile is, quite frankly, disgusting. I am not using this term lightly ... you don't want to know some of the profiles I have seen during my short time on Marapets. I don't care if what you say is true or not but it's not something you say on a pet site that children come on. You have to remember it's not only Teens and Adults.
By the way:
If you send me an item, thanks. This does not mean I owe you anything (unless your name is Charlie7000000000000) so don't expect anything back ... but I may buy you something for your birthday or some sort of "holiday" if I know you well.
I have been known to give away free items for no reason what-so-ever but that is due to me being in a good mood. Don't expect me to buy you something because I have done in the past.
30 people blocked and counting.
I block people easily so you either cope with it, don't annoy me in the first place or you keep your feelings to yourself. If you comment here saying "y did u block me" I'll delete your comment. Thanks xD