Gon ~ Some friends
14 years, 11 months & 29 days ago
16th Jan 2010 06:18 Charlie7000000000000 - CHAWLIE!!! Me, you and Anime have got up to a lot at home, school and on Mara. We're always visiting each others homes and annoy each others parents. Still a huge thanks for the Midnight Costume <3 You're a great friend who I can always count on to talk to if I'm bored, upset or just need someone to talk to randomly. We're always there for each other (at least I hope I'm there for you as much as you are for me)! You're awesome and make my randomness seem normal xD
TwilightFanNo1 - Our conversation was short but it was a good one. You made me 'lol' quite a bit. We need to talk again sometime.
rocker9375 - We haven't talked much but have a suprising amount in common with each other. The conversations we had rocked and we need to try to have some again. Our conversations even started me talking to your sister (Flufz). Seriously, mail me some time.
AnimePirateGirl - Anime <3 Like me, you hate your real name so use your Mara nickname at school too. We're always messing around (and invaiding Charlie's house). Somehow you've managed to get me to open up when I'm otherwise too worried about what others would say when I'm worried aout something stupid ... and it feels great to be able to talk to someone. We've had some great times together and have made even Charlie jealous! Don't know how I'd cope at school without you.
RandomNinjaGirl - Charlie's auntie! You're almost as cool and random as Charlie herself ... I see how you're related. We've talked a lot off Mara but I still remember the first time you talked to me on here. Talathiel is a constant reminder of that. I know Daisys are not classed as LEs by some of the older, richer members of Mara but I can't believe you gave me your only LE pet. Don't worry, I'll look after her as much as all my other pets <3 Keep up the randomness (lol) xD