Friday the 13th 2024
4 months, 1 day & 1 hr ago
13th Sep 2024 13:02 CLOSED
Happy Friday the 13th ATM Members!
In memory or our beloved AbsolutNormal whose blog I found this on, here is a Mini Game to celebrate today! Don't feel unlucky get lucky winning some prizes!
Since I started this a little late, it will run until the end of tomorrow 9/14.
-You must be an ATM Club Member.
-You must complete ALL tasks.
-You must have FUN!
Complete the tasks below to be entered to win the prize.
Note: All tasks that say "Post in the comments below" should all be in one post and in the order of the task.
1.Donate ANY item to the club with the #13 in it.
2.In the comments below, say something that includes the letters ATM that is only 13 letters (! counts as a letter today). It cannot be the same as another member's post. If it is you can repost.
3.Donate ANY Black Cat item to the club.
4.In the comments below, list 13 random things about you (They don't have to be to personal just like fav color, you like birds etc.)
5.In the comments below, name something you are afraid of.
6.Donate ANY 13 random items to the club.
7.In the comments below name a club member's username with 13 letters (and/or numbers) in it.
8.In the comments below list 13 items you like on Mara.
9.Send ANY item with the word BROKEN in it to Gwylynnsgarden.
10.Bid on the Friday 13th Calendar Gwylynnsgarden put up in Club Auctions (3 Day Auction).
11.In the comments below, list 13 things you want on Mara. It does not have to be an item. It can be a pet, goal, or event.
12.Type 13 in Club Chat.
13.In the comments below, type "I Heart Friday the 13th!'
All participants will receive a random gift. There will only be one winner for the main prize below. Yellow Unlucky winner will be chosen on 9/15.
Yellow Unlucky
Yellow Unlucky Winner: Swetanew
Random Prizes - Brand new plates and photos from this week!
Xtina - Clown Klik Plate
Aimee - Clown Klik Plate
bluetaz2001 - Clown Klik Plate
angelpowergirl - Clown Klik Plate
perfectplayer6 - Clown Sunken Plate
FriendshipRecipe - Clown Sunken Plate
Mccandles - Clown Sunken Plate
Foxboroughs - Clown Sunken Plate
Potato - Clown Sunken Plate
DayravenB - Clown Sunken Plate
Swetanew - Clown Sunken Plate
Cygnet - Clown Sunken Plate
Azaura - Sponge Feliz Photo