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  1. September Newspapers and Magazines
    13th Jun 2023 12:40
    1 year, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Missing PHOTOS and PLATES
    18th Apr 2014 14:08
    10 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  3. Blood Bath Ball 2024
    14th Sep 2024 07:55
    15 days, 9 hrs & 35 mins ago
  4. Maraween Items Needed 2024
    15th Aug 2024 05:25
    1 month, 15 days & 12 hrs ago
  5. ATM Halloween Snowman Quest Challenge 2024
    3rd Sep 2024 16:59
    26 days & 31 mins ago
  6. ATM Elfember Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:55
    1 month, 7 days & 4 hrs ago
  7. ATM Thanksgiving Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:39
    1 month, 7 days & 4 hrs ago
  8. ATM Maraween Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:00
    1 month, 7 days & 5 hrs ago
  9. Interested volunteers for ATM/misc
    22nd Aug 2024 19:24
    1 month, 7 days & 22 hrs ago
  10. Missing spells and instruments (Diavolita)
    27th Aug 2024 10:36
    1 month, 3 days & 6 hrs ago
ATM Elfember Planning
1 month, 7 days & 4 hrs ago
23rd Aug 2024 12:55


[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Timeline of Mara Events & ATM Events
11/30-12/5 Sign up for ATM 2024 Christmas Stocking (Gwylynnsgarden)
12/1 Advent Calendar begins
12/1 Begin using Elfember prizes in quizzes and raffles
12/1-12/24 ATM Advent Calendar (bluetaz2001)
12/1 - 12/8 ATM Elfember Secret Santa Art Exchange Registration (ErynEmrod)
12/2 Advent Tree Instructions
12/4 Elf returns
12/5 Elfember Time Machine
12/6-12/16 ATM 2024 Christmas Stocking (Gwylynnsgarden)
12/6-12/16 Register for ATM Secret Santa
12/6 Santa Claws Raffle Event begins
12/7 Elfember Capsule Machine
12/8-12/31 ATM Elfember Secret Santa Art Exchange (ErynEmrod)
12/9 Secret Santa questing begins
12/12 Advent Tree
12/13 Krampus returns
12/14 Caroling
12/19-12/20 ATM Secret Santa names sent out
12/21-12/31 ATM Send your Secret Santa gift. All gifts must be sent by 12/31.
12/25 ATM Dani's Christmas Trivia Extravaganza (100 questions) - time TBD

Quest Challenge - Santa Claws
Quest Challenge - Secret Santa
Elf Dress Up Contest OR Elfie Selfie
Dress Up Contest (in addition to Elf)
Word Search
Coloring Contest
Christmas and/or New Year's Secret Message
other ideas you may have

Quizzes and Raffles
Advent, Christmas, Elfember, New Years, winter, seasonal, arctic, red, white, silver, sparkling, festive, holiday, snow items, gingerbread, eggnog, ice, angel, reindeer, candy cane, bells, ornaments, sleighs, mistletoe, Christmas costumes, Secret Santa, Krampus, Carol Singing, presents, Gift Boxes


*ATM Advent calendar activity - CLAIMED - hosted by bluetaz2001
Dates: Dec 1 - Dec 24

*Dress up contest - AVAILABLE. CAN BE DONE BY MORE THAN ONE PERSON - check bluetaz2001's Advent Calendar before choosing a theme.

*Elf Dress Up Contest -AVAILABLE -
NOTE - Can change prize to any elf item.
Happy Holidays ATM Club Members I am running a small game for you to have a chance to win Devious Elf Costume! This game is for those that need it for their Wardrobe. If you already have the Costume you can still enter for a chance to win some Christmas Goodies.
-Dress your Character in your best ELF outfit. You can use costumes but please be as creative as you can.
-In the comments section below post the image of your Character in her/his Elf outfit. To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
[ DOLL ].
Then just wait to see if you win!
This event will end on the Dec. 15th

*ATM Club Elfie Selfie (from AbsolutNormal) - AVAILABLE
Happy Elfember ATM Club Members! It is that time of year to get into the Christmas Spirit! and what best way to do that then to Dress up as the Hardest Workers in Santa's Workshop an ELF!

This is a simple Holiday Game that will Run until Jan.1st

The Rules
All you have to do is Dress your Doll as an Elf any way you want! and you will be entered into a Drawing to win one of the Prizes below!
To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
[ DOLL ].

Random Prizes will be handed out to those that Participate!

(AbsolutNormal posted pics of some of the prizes she was handing out. Most had an elf or part of an elf outfit. Added a few Xmas items.)

*Coloring contest - see Treat's wreath blog - AVAILABLE

*Christmas and/or New Year's secret message decoder (see Dani's word puzzle blog) - AVAILABLE


*Trivia Games - AVAILABLE. CAN BE DONE BY MORE THAN ONE PERSON. Advent, Christmas, New Years, winter, holiday movies, holiday specials, holiday foods -- needs to be scheduled and done in club chat - Due to issues in the past, need to add the rule "You can not enter the next question if you won the question before it." This allows for more people to win. You might also think about a rule limiting the number of prizes one person can win.

*Mega Trivia Event - TAKEN - hosted by Dani - dates TBD

*Quest challenge - AVAILABLE - CAN BE DONE BY TWO PEOPLE. Santa Claws (starts 12/6 on calendar) or Secret Santa (starts 12/9 on calendar)
To enter post below with your starting number of the quest posted.
Example of what an entry looks like:
1.You have completed 3,070 Haunted House Quests
Prizes will be award to the person who does the most quests in the allotted time.
This will also help you to get Rewards from the Royal Faerie.
The higher your numbers increase, the better the prize will be. The 3 top questers will receive a prize.
In the event of a tie, the winners will be assigned a number and a random number generator will decide winners

*My 2024 Christmas Stocking. TAKEN (gwylynnsgarden)
Registration 11/30-12/5, visit stockings 12/6 - 12/16
Similar to ATM ToT. Found on Gutterxflower's blog. They did this in 2008 & 2009. Couldn't find the directions - don't know who hosted it. Start on 12/6 St. Nicholas Day
Check out wisheart's blog to get the idea.
Also purplecowzrule:

*Secret Santa (from Dani's blog) TAKEN - Dani is hosting this again in 2024.
Registration 12/6-12/16
Names sent 12/19-12/20
Send out gifts 12/21-12/31. All gifts must be sent by 12/31.

ATM 2023 Secret Santa Registration

To register simply let me know you want to register by telling me you want to register!

Registration ends December 14, 2023
Your recipient will be sent to you December 15, 2023

If you don't know how the club Secret Santa works here's some info:

The club Secret Santa is where you register, get matched up with a name, and then you buy that person a gift. Registration usually is open for 2 weeks. At the end of those 2 weeks you will be told who your recipient is.

We do ask that gifts be no cheaper than 500k on shop search. You may send a more expensive gift if you wish, but please keep to Mara's gift giving rules. If it's a very expensive gift please submit a support ticket asking permission before sending it. We don't want you or the receiver to get in trouble over this for sure!

If you register and then do not send a gift to your recipient you will be banned from participating for at least 3 years in the future. If you register it is not fair to not participate.

When I send out the mail with who your recipient is I usually send out tips on how to find a good gift for them :_ I also remind people to make sure their wishlist is up to date, and please don't have only insanely expensive things on it. Some participants do not have huge budgets and so they would like to get you something you would want and they can afford.

If you need help affording a gift I may be able to help. I never have a problem helping find gifts to give or helping with affordability.

PREVIOUS VERSION of Secret Santa from Absolutnormal:
Welcome ATM Club Members to the ATM 2017 Secret Santa!!! Secret Santa is a Fun and Festive Gift Exchange where you get to play Santa to one of your fellow Clubbies! So get in the Holiday spirit, sip some Hot Cocoa, and sign up to be an ATM Secret Santa Today!
Also Get those Wishlists FILLED you never know who might Secretly be stalking them!
Because we are an Adult Club Minimum of 100k should be spent and if you want to do more it is up to YOU. You can do one Gift or a Gift Package have fun and really stalk your Secret Member's Profile to see what they like!
Comment Bellow "Shhhhhh" to Sign Up to be a Secret Santa! ALL participants must be signed up by Dec.25th. This gives everyone time to participate!
AbsolutNormal will Maramail you with your Secret Santa Name,on the 26th that you of course keep secret until sending your gift!
Dec.26th you may send your gift and then reveal your Secret!
We ask that ALL Secret Santas gifts be given and revealed by Jan.1st
Random Prizes will be handed out at just for Participating
Note:Secret Santa Names have Been Drawn and Sent out. Have fun Buying send the gift directly to the name you are buying for and with a message so they know you were their Secret Santa not everyone looks at Alerts Wide Grin
If you have an Questions please MM/MT:

*Word fill in (Dani's blog) - AVAILABLE

*Word search - AVAILABLE

*Crossword - AVAILABLE

*Art or graphics contest - AVAILABLE

*Art/Graphics Event - TAKEN - ErynEmrod -
Secret Santa Art - details & dates TBD

*Scavenger hunt (see examples under Maraween) - AVAILABLE

(from Oubliette blogs in 2022 - directions in 1 & tasks in another)
ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game and Christmas Day Raffle
Welcome to the Christmas ornament game. Each day from now until Christmas Eve I will post 5 tasks to complete in my Christmas Ornament Game Tasks blog. Please mm me prior to starting your tasks so I can verify they get done. Once I give you the greenlight to begin your tasks you may then complete them. mm again to let me know they are finished. You only need to mm me before the first task of the day and the last task of the day not prior to each task. Once you complete all 5 tasks for the day I will mm you you have completed them. For each day you complete all five tasks you will receive a small prize, an entry into my Christmas Day Raffle and you also be able to choose a Christmas ornament. Each ornament will be listed here represented by a number. Once I mm to go ahead and choose an ornament you come to this blog to choose a number from the list. As each ornament is chosen it will be removed from the list so no ornament can be chosen twice. Each ornament holds a prize to be won to include items, au, additional ornament picks and additional raffle entries. The last tasks will be posted Christmas Eve. You will have until Christmas Day at reset to complete all tasks for each day. After reset i will place all entries into an online generator to choose the winner. The winner of the Christmas Day Raffle will win an enchanted Christmas Vixen Plushie and The Little Christmas Tree DVD. Two second chance winners will receive a choice of one au item from the au shop worth 3 au or less. The second chance winners will also be chosen by the generator. Once you win a prize you will be ineligible to win another raffle prize. Each winner will be different Thank you for playing and Good Luck

Christmas ornament list

2, 4,
16, 21, 23, 24,
28, 30, 34, 35, 38,
40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47

Added ornaments 51, 52, 54, 55

ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game Tasks

Day 1 tasks
1. Spread some holiday cheer by singing Christmas Carols to 10 marapets members (if you are unable to sing carols mm for an alternate task)
2. Visit Krampus hopefully your pets have been nice
3. Complete a mission of your choice
4. Help Santa Claws by completing 5 of his quests
5. Get festive by placing one holiday/Christmas item from your wardrobe on or around your doll

Day 2 tasks
1. Visit the Christmas Tree today to try to win a cracker
2. Complete 5 Secret Santa quests
3. Complete a mission of your choice
4. Sing carols until you receive an instrument. If you don't have an approved costume sing 8 carols
5. Don't forget to visit the advent calendar

Day 3 Tasks
1. Visit Krampus
2. Complete a mission of your choice
3. Complete 5 Santa Claws quests
4. Visit one of the plushie machines they make great gifts
5. Try and win a good holiday/Christmas deal by visiting the daily discount

Day 4 tasks
1. sing 10 Christmas carols
2. Help the local businesses this season by buying an item from one of the biala mountain shops
3. Complete 5 Secret Santa quests
4. Play newth racing
5. Add a holiday/Christmas item to one of your collections. If you can't add an item under 500k because you are a master collector you can play a game from biala mountain instead

Day 5 tasks
1. Krampus is getting impatient for Christmas. Visit him 3 times today
2. Do 5 Santa Claws quests
3. Don't forget to show your pets Christmas love by feeding them a tasty bakery item. Only feeding 1 pet is necessary
4.Buy an item from one of the shops in Biala Mountain
5. Try scoring yourself an outfit for Christmas or maybe an ugly sweater... visit the clothing rack or vending machine

Bonus tasks- for each bonus task completed you will earn an ornament pick and raffle entry

1. Sing 30 carols -it's Christmas Eve we need all the cheer we can get in this winter storm (if you aren't affected you are very lucky lol)

2. Secret Santa needs a ton of help this Christmas Eve. Give him a hand by completing 20 quests

3. Poor elf has been forgotten at the pot of gold this year. Visit the pot of gold 4 times today. I hope Elf is full of Christmas giving

*IDEA FROM DANI: Oh no! One of the elves was drinking hot cocoa and spilled it all over Santa's laptop! While cleaning it up the unfortunate elf must have hit the wrong button, because suddenly Santa's list is in a secret code where all the letters have been replaced with numbers! With Christmas fast approaching, Santa needs his list, and he needs to be able to read it. Can you decode Santa's list so that he knows what present goes to which person?
Hints: 10=G, 9=E, 23=T, and 1=S because everyone "gets" something!
Each line is a sentence "Clubbie gets Item name"
Each line contains the name of a club member and an actual marapets item, all items are Christmas or Holiday themed.
If the club member's name has a number it in the number has been removed to erase any confusion.
Every club staff member is included in Santa's list!

NOTE - Needs to be adapted. Can change prize to any elf item.
Happy Holidays ATM Club Members I am running a small game for you to have a chance to win Devious Elf Costume! This game is for those that need it for their Wardrobe. If you already have the Costume you can still enter for a chance to win some Christmas Goodies.
-Dress your Character in your best ELF outfit. You can use costumes but please be as creative as you can.
-In the comments section below post the image of your Character in her/his Elf outfit. To do this right click your character and copy the URL of your Character and use the [img]ENTER URL OF CHARACTER[/img].
Then just wait to see if you win!
This event will end on the Dec. 15th

  1. September Newspapers and Magazines
    13th Jun 2023 12:40
    1 year, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Missing PHOTOS and PLATES
    18th Apr 2014 14:08
    10 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  3. Blood Bath Ball 2024
    14th Sep 2024 07:55
    15 days, 9 hrs & 35 mins ago
  4. Maraween Items Needed 2024
    15th Aug 2024 05:25
    1 month, 15 days & 12 hrs ago
  5. ATM Halloween Snowman Quest Challenge 2024
    3rd Sep 2024 16:59
    26 days & 31 mins ago
  6. ATM Elfember Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:55
    1 month, 7 days & 4 hrs ago
  7. ATM Thanksgiving Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:39
    1 month, 7 days & 4 hrs ago
  8. ATM Maraween Planning
    23rd Aug 2024 12:00
    1 month, 7 days & 5 hrs ago
  9. Interested volunteers for ATM/misc
    22nd Aug 2024 19:24
    1 month, 7 days & 22 hrs ago
  10. Missing spells and instruments (Diavolita)
    27th Aug 2024 10:36
    1 month, 3 days & 6 hrs ago