I am so glad there are warnings...
17 years & 23 days ago
3rd Dec 2007 16:29 I am so extremely glad there are warnings about mailing staff with non emergency stuff. If people would read them, it would be wonderful. This is a sampling of December 3rd's mail in my inbox, and the 3rd was much, much better than the past couple of days. These do not include the valid mails I receive, not even the ones that should have been sent in a ticket instead. If you see your mail here, and wonder why you didn't get a response from me, this may explain it, I hope.... (I really did answer several of these, even.) Please note, that if these people can mail, they can also see the forums.
hi- my name is ?????? and i am saying r u there
hi- hi
Help!- Hi im ?????? and i was wondering if u train ur pet in the gym in lush lake but u have a diamond but it's not a diamond u need will we get frozen?
Help- Why won`t the advent calender open?
Help- what is a dentist ticket for?
help..- where ar the hidden avatars.
why- how cme the calander is not working ??????
ive got a song- ive got a song... that will get on ya nerves get on your nerves get on your nerves....soz im really happy!
hi i need help- how do i rename my pet?
exscuse me- exscuse me but it is the 3rd of december and the advent calander isnt working i havent got anything from there for the past 3 days it just says the advent calender opens on the 1st of december 2007 please can you help
help- why isnt the calender on
marahome- hey in the marahome can u and a friend talk inside it if both go in at the sme time or its just for the pet
hi- Hey ?????? said she was going to give me a prize 4 winning a fashion show but she never did i should get one now!!
??- This is no fair. My cousins created an account on marapets this weekend and his Avatar(non human) works but mine does. why is that?
hi- hi gma
Hi- Would you like to help me???
I am doing this thing Project Santa,
I am hoping that I can get people to donate or help a bit becase the money and/or items will help!! Like i am trying to get all kinds of christmas things and i will try and send 1 christmas present per mara member!!
would you like to help??
mm me~~ thanks~~
club- yoyoyyo come to my club at criss mind freak and somthing k thx and join plz
hi- um your staff right well i met a girl and she said she knew a celebrite cody liny and we talked and then she called me a big dummy.I reported her. He name is ?????? i think
hey- can you pet gain a magic point in the operation portal?
hmmm, looks like mail for the 4th will be better?
FW:Mara News Flash
Tuesday December 4, 2007
Mara Pets will no longer be open for counseling and or care. All administrative facilities have been dismantled by Queen Eleka. Any required treatment will be provided by the Newth Elfs at a secret location. Follow the link for help
By December 5th 2007 all Mara Mail will be filtered for relevant information. All non- relevant mail content will be exported to the aforementioned site.
------end of report------