17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
13th Nov 2007 17:09 __11/13/07__
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed into a orange Knutt!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed into a ghost Walee!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen gained 1 defence stat!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed into a halloween Bolimo!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed into a orange Jessup!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed colour to red!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed colour to blue!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed into a green Reese!
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Nothing happened.
You select Soccer_Queen to get into the portal and....
Soccer_Queen changed colour to red!