Private Blog! --Lemmingpets
5 years & 1 day ago
11th Jan 2020 14:46 I spy with my little eye...
Apropos to the recent activities news feed controversy:
Interesting fact: conditions that can cause someone to seek privacy: introversion, shyness (which is different than being introverted), abuse, autism, paranoia, instinctual preservation, bullying, ADHD, etc. (the list is long.) These individuals instinctively feel overwhelmed and threatened when a change in information concerning them is suddenly broadcast for everyone else to see. It's like a slap in the face. Another reason is a feeling of being smothered by too much information by too many people. They initially experience shock before the survival mode fight or flight kicks in. Given time to adjust and realize that the situation is non-threatening and non-obtrusive, most of these individuals will eventually feel less threatened and more accepting of the change.
Huh, sounds like my cat.
My only complaint was the massive alerts from people I don't even know. But they are on my friends list, probably someone I friended and then they changed their name and I don't know who they are.LOL But now that I have a way of turning them off, I'm okay. I am in the process of silencing everyone except for EasterBunny, Elf, Beelzebub, and Ian. The only drawback I can see is that the feed disappears in 48 hours. If EasterBunny, Elf, or Beelzebub have a coloring contest or word search going on, I used to refer to the feeds to post my solutions. Now I'll have to bookmark the posts since I don't get back to them for several days.
Although now I feel I don't really need to use the chat and forums anymore because anything I would have said there is now on my activity feed. So if you want to get all up in my business, I wont be posting those so feel free to look at my activity feed.