Temples and Pyramids
8 months, 22 days & 15 hrs ago
21st Apr 2024 16:33 Transubstantiation Temple (Runes --Simerian Explorer quests)[existing pet changes to different costume colour, except prison, mutant, zombie, and mummy]
Transformation Temple (Simerian Keys --Archeology prize) [Your pet will not change costume or species but the change will be added to your pet's Transformation Collection]
Transmogrification Temple (Hieroglyphics --University prize)[pet changes to any Limited Edition pet]
Transuranics Temple (Undying Minipet -- Blood *3AU) [missing Plushie added to collection]
Transumption Temple (DNA Minipet -- DNA *4AU) [missing Trading Card added to collection]
Transvaluation Temple (Garden Minipet -- seeds, and Fertilizer *3AU) [missing Stamp added to collection]
Tableaus Temple (fish) [missing avatar added to collection]
Kamilah Pyramid (Kamilah Codes --Kamilah Traveller quests) [Hump Potion or Enchanted Plushie]
Slate Pyramid (Simerian Slates --Simerian Excavator quests) [Echlin Potion or Enchanted Plushie]
Wonky Pyramid (Binary Codes --for Memory Points at Memory Shop) [missing Wardrobe item added to Collection]
Puny Pyramid (Toy Blocks --Carpenter quests) [Glowing Egg added to collection]