Whats on my mind...

9 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
21st Jun 2015 20:45Today was a day i will never personally forget. My dearly beloved daughter was born. She is pure beauty and is a spitting image of her mother (me,myself and i

) But today after long hours of contractions and getting mentally prepared, i thought of something. Today was Fathers Day, a day to celebrate all the triumphs and hardships fathers have put into molding their child into who they want to become. Personally ive never had this experience, my father moved on very soon after he became addicted to substances. He was never really their for me, and it never really bothered me until today, out of all days. My lovely daughter Violet was born with no father around as well. He left very soon after we found out i was expecting for the 3rd time. Holding her made me want nothing horrible to ever happen to her, ever. But then it hit me that something already had, she would grow up with virtually no father figures in her life. It will be a giant void in her life, a wound that will never heal. Abandonment issues have always followed me since my own father left. A feeling i get with any male relationship, ex. bf, fiance, friend, col-liege, anyone. I dont want my daughter to live her life with this unfilling hole. Given that i am young (im 21) i believe in myself to give her everything i can. I want her to have the best life she can have (along with my other daughter Luna and my son Cas- short for Castile) Everything will be okay i hope, i just dont want her to go through the same things i went through. Thanks for reading my rant.