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Marapets is mobile friendly
    26th Jun 2015 17:10
    9 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  2. Whats on my mind...
    21st Jun 2015 20:45
    9 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  3. Items currently for trade/sale
    21st Aug 2014 10:00
    10 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
  4. Songs I'm Obsessed With...
    24th Jun 2014 14:33
    10 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  5. Can't Decide...
    20th Jun 2014 08:22
    10 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
  6. Chibi Avatar Request
    18th Jun 2014 15:29
    10 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
  7. 302 Random Questions to Get to Know Me
    17th Jun 2014 09:22
    10 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  8. Second Tattoo idea ;D
    9th May 2014 14:37
    10 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  9. -Possible- Mega Giveaway
    1st Jan 2014 10:48
    10 years, 9 months & 2 days ago
  10. My first tatoo <3
    13th Jul 2013 10:20
    11 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
302 Random Questions to Get to Know Me
10 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
17th Jun 2014 09:22

1) Whats your (full) name? Alexander Rose Anderson aka Alex
2) How old are you? 19 years old
3) Whats your Birthday? Dec. 17th
4) What starsign does that make it? Sagittarius
5) Whats your favourite colour? Black/Red/White
6) Whats your lucky number? 88
7) Do you have any pets? One dog/One Cat Skipper and Tobey
8) Where are you from? Usa
9) How tall are you? 5'0 (Lol im a lil shrimp)
10) What shoe size are you? 5-6
11) How many pairs of shoes do you own? Maybe like 10 at max
12) If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make? Allow gays to get married in every state
13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have?Freeze Time
14) and what would your hero name be? Timeless
15) and what outfit would you wear? Tight white jumpsuit with heels (;
16) What was your last dream about? Driving lol...
17) What would you do if you won the lottery? Give back to my family & Friends for everything they have done for me
18) Would you like to build/design your own house? Yes!
19) Which form of public transport do you prefer? Airplane
20) What talents do you have? I can sing/dance/draw anime
21) Can you juggle? I wish...
22) Can you solve a rubix cube? question
23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear? I did till my dog ate him >_<
24) Are you psychic in any way? I can sometimes be exact about something to the point where its a bit creepy
25) Are you a good dancer? Yes
26) Are you a good singer? yes, people say i have a lovely voice and i should try out on American idol or The Voice (lol)
27) Are you a good cook? I love cooking all day everyday Smile
28) Are you a good artist? I got offered some scholarships
29) Are you a good listener? Yes
30) Are you a good public speaker? To close friends and family
31) Are you a good babysitter? To my own daughter yes
32) Are you a good mechanic? NO.
33) Are you a good diplomat? Eh.
34) Are you a good employee? Yes, but its hard sometimes
35) Are you a good dresser? I design my own clothing
36) Are you a good swimmer? At times...
37) Are you a good skier? Yes i've gone out West a few times Double black diamonds baby ;D
38) Are you a good lover? I've been with my one bf for 3 years now you tell me
39) Are you a good musician? I love doing my own versions of other artists sonds
40) Are you a good comedian? Sometimes
41) Are you a good cleaner? YES im VERY ocd
42) Are you a good actor? I did acting for 3 years when i was in Middle School ;D
43) Are you a good writer? I've written my own book before :3
44) Have you ever been bungee jumping? no but i want to!
45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking? Yes
46) What types of holidays do you prefer? Christmas, family time <3
47) Whats the furthest you've ever been on holiday? California
48) What was your favourite holiday? Christmas
49) Where would your dream holiday be? A day to celebrate being a family
50) Can you tap dance? yes i did it for 3 years all the way up to company level
51) Whats your favourite zoo animal? Penguins all black and white c:
52) Whats your favourite sport? XC
53) Whats your favourite food? Chocolate Molten Lava Cake :3
54) Whats your favourite pizza topping? Cheese (Lol)
55) Whats your favourite film? Star Trek (both are amazing <3)
56) Whats your favourite song? Love to many to pick <3
57) Whats your favourite alcoholic drink? Nothing. I HATE alchol.
58) Whats your favourite non-alcoholic drink? Shirley Temple
59) Whats your favourite TV program? The Walking Dead
60) Whats your favourite boyband? None
61) Whats your favourite girl group? None
62) What would be your ideal partner? My bf? Haha
63) Do you want children? I have one, wanted one since i was a little girl i got my wish <3
64) Do you want a church wedding? Yes
65) Are you religious? I go in and out...
66) Do you like reality TV programs? NO.
67) Do you like TV talent shows? Eh, sometimes
68) If you were gay who would your life partner be? My "sister" (Maddy who is a transgender)
69) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? My dad and all the THINGS he did.
70) How many hats do you own? like 6 maybe
71) Are you any good at pool? No, lol inside joke about that
72) Whats the highest you've ever jumped into the water from? The high dive? Lol idk how tall
73) Have you ever been admitted to hospital? Yes about 7 times
74) Have you ever had any brushes with the law? Nope
75) Have you ever been on TV? Nope
76) Have you ever met any celebrities? Andrew Lincoln <3
77) Have you ever been to Legoland? Yes
78) Have you ever done something heroic? I saved my friend from OD on pain pills
79) Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? Yes
80) Have you ever been the recipiant of a practical joke? YES. UGH.
81) What would be your best achievement to date? I made it threw HS
82) Do you prefer baths or showers? Shower
83) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural dryin your hair? Towel/Air
84) Have you ever built a snowman? Yes ^^
85) Have you ever been sledging? Yes almost broke my leg xD
86) Have you ever flown a kite? Nope :3
87) What colour socks are you wearing? Red/Green Christmas Wide Grin
88) If you could live anywhere, where would that be? California
89) Have you ever been famous? No?
90) Would you like to be a big celebrity? Maybe probably not
91) Would you ever go on Big Brother? No
92) How big is your TV? 55' inch
93) What is your most essential appliance? Stove/Stovetop
94) What type of music do you like? Dubstep/Pop/Rock/Screamo
95) Have you ever been skinnydipping? Yes xD
96) How many Pillows do you sleep with? 4 :3
97) What position do you often sleep in? On my side or stomach
98) What do you wear to bed? A shirt
99) How big is your house? A two story apartment
100) Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunset (i hate getting up early)
101) What do you typically have for breakfast? Ceral or nothing
102) Do you like scary movies? Sometimes
103) Whats your favourite Milkshake flavour? Peanut Butter
104) Have you ever been in a newspaper? Nope
105) How long can you balance on one foot? Long time
106) Have you ever fired a gun? Yes (hunting)
107) Have you ever tried archery? Yes (hunting)
108) Whats your favourite condement? Ketchup
109) Whats your favourite clean word? Dinosaur
110) Whats your favourite swear word? The S one c:
111) Whats your least favourite word? Hate
112) What was the last film you saw? 22 Jump Street xD
113) What football team do you support? VA/WI/NY/PA
114) Whats the longest you've gone without sleep? 34 hours Q-Q
115) Whats the tallest building you've ever been up? Statue of Liberty
116) Do you have any scars? Yes from surgery
117) Do you like marmite? yes
118) Did you ever win any sportsday events? yes
119) What did you want to be when you grew up? An artist/Actor
120) If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Wish i was taller...
121) Whats the longest you've ever grown your hair? Down to my butt (right now)
123) Are you scared of flying? Nope
124) Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? Int for looks (very self aware)
125) Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? yes
126) How often do you buy new clothes? Every few weeks (lol)
127) Are you reliable? Yes (:
128) Are you proud of yourself? Very
129) Have you ever had a secret admirer? Maybe
130) If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? Why did you let ____ happen?
131) Do you hold grudges? Depends
132) If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create? Dog and Penguin
133) Do you decorate the outside of your house for christmas? yes
134) Can you solve sudoko puzzles? NO xD
135) Have you ever played conkers? Nope
136) Whats the most unusual conversation you've ever had? About outerspace and whats out there beyond the universe
137) Are you much of a gambler? Nope
138) Are you much of a daredevil? At times
139) Are you a good liar? Yes (That sounds bad >_<) At least im being honest ;D
140) Are you a good judge of character? I hope so
141) Are you any good at charades? Nope
142) How long could you go without talking? Not
143) What has been your worst haircut/style? When i was younger i got a bob with straight bangs across. Ew xD
144) Can you iceskate? Sometimes
145) Can you summersault? yes ;D
146) Whats your favourite joke? Sexual Ones xD
147) Whats been your best present? a car Wide Grin
148) Whats been your worst present?a bookmark >.<
149) Have you ever sleepwalked? Nope i sleep talk xD
150) Can you build a house of cards? Nope
151) Whats your favourite TV advert? Car/ Food
152) Can you play poker? Nope
153) If your parents hated your partner you currently loved would you ditch him or carry on with him despite the protests? Carry on, its my own life
154) Have you ever been professionally photographed? yes (: 3 times
155) Have you ever baked your own cake? Yes! I made a ducky cake from my daughters B-day
156) Whats your favourite fruit pastel colour? Yellow
157) What traditionally adorns the top of your christmas tree? An angel whose wings change colors
158) What would be your dream sandwich? Jumbo with everything on it Wide Grin Yum...
159) Can you inpersonate anyone famous? Somewhat
160) Can you do any accents other than your own? yes
161) Do you have a strong local accent? yes lived here my whole life
162) Whats your favourite accent? Aussie <3
163) In O's and X's which do you normally pick? X
164) Do you prefer blue or black inked pens? Black
165) What was the last thing you recorded off TV? Defiance
166) What was the last thing you dressed up as for fancy dress? Cousins Wedding
167) Do you prefer green or red grapes? Red
168) What do you like on your toast? buttterrr
169) Do you prefer liquid soap or bars of soap? Liquid
170) How do you have your eggs? Scrambled
171) Whats your favourite saying? "FISH"
172) Have you ever been in a tug of war? Yes
173) and did you win? Nope xD
174) Can you stand on your hands unassisted? Eh...
175) What do you have on your fridge door? Drawings Smile
176) Do you love or hate myspace? Eh
177) Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door? my mother
178) How old were you when you last went trick or treating?15 haha
179) Have you ever been bobbing for apples? Yep ;D
180) Whats your most expensive piece of clothing? 500+
181) Whats the last thing you took a picture of? A bathing suit xD
182) Whats the last thing you drew a picture of? People from Final Fantasy 13
183) Have you ever bought anything from ebay? Nope
184) Whats your favourite smell/scent? Desserts
185) Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? Yep
186) What was your favourite birthday? 15th thus far
187) Can you curl your tounge? Yep
188) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? Was an innie now an outie >_<
189) What would be your dream car? A black mustang
190) Are you left or right handed? Right
191) What was the last book you read? Oh gosh...I read like 3 at a time (Flesh & Bone by Johnathan Maberry/ Once by Anna Carey/ Unwholly by Neal Shusterman)
192) What was the last song you danced to? Blind-Ke$ha
193) Have you ever owned a yo-yo? Nope
194) Have you ever been on a pogo stick? yep >Wide Grin
195) Have you ever been on a space hopper? Yep
196) Who was the last person to send you a text message? My bf
197) Have you ever accidentally injured anyone? Yep... D:
198) Are you scared of spiders? No there cute well i HATE the BIG ones. -shivers-
199) Can you down a pint (of anything) in one? lol nope
200) Have you ever been banned from a public place? No
201) How much spam email do you tend to get a week? ALOT
202) If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? I speak Spanish pretty well
203) What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Adolph Hitler so i could shot him by own self
204) As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? Yep xD
205) Do you like clowns? Zombie ones? ;D
206) Do you prefer BBC or ITV? ITV
207) Have you ever been surfing? Nope pfft i hate the ocean
208) Have you ever been snowboarding? Nope skiing baby ;D
209) Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? Beatles
210) Whats your favourite type of foreign food? Chocolate Mousse
211) Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? They all are equal to me just their own problems in different ways
212) Do you like your music loud or easy listening? Both
213) Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program? Vampire Knights <3
214) Do you sing in the shower? Yeppers
215) Are you a clean or messy person? Clean OCD remember?
216) Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly? Bag of Money ;D
217) Can or Do you still play twister? I LOVE that game xD
218) Can you play chess? No, zzzz
219) Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? Yep
220) Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? BENDY ;D
221) Have you ever entered a talent contest? Yep ^^
222) and did you win? top 10 count?
223) Do you like poetry? Yesh Smile
224) Are you a bad loser? Nope
225) Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Ice Cream
226) Whats your favourite type of Pie? apple
227) Whats your most used phrase? I love you
228) Whats your most used word? love
229) Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Rachel Mcadams
230) What would your dream job be? Actor
231) Which song do you hate the most? Somebody That I Use To Know. Cant stand it
232) How long does it take you to get ready? 3 hours? :3
233) What do you think the greatest invention has been? Ive got an idea c;
234) Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Body Types
235) Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? The way their minds work sometimes...
236) Who's your favourite Comedian? Bill Burr
237) What's your favourite board game? Monopoly
238) Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? Yes objects from my parents
239) Do you have any superstitions? Yes
240) Whats your favourite Movie quote? "I know that we all think we're immortal, we're supposed to feel that way, we're graduating. The future is and should be bright, but, like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever, what makes it precious is that it ends. I know that now more than ever. And I say it today of all days to remind us that time is luck. So don't waste it living somebody else's life, make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you, no matter what. Because even if you fall short or even if we fail... what better way is there to live?" -Gwen Stacy
241) Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Chuck
242) Do you have much of an ego? Yes?
243) Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? Lol no i'll just laugh at you
244) Are you a hat person? Eh told i look good in them
245) Whats your favourite supermarket chain? Martins
246) Whats your favourite fastfood chain? Arbys Yummy
247) Whats your first thought upon waking up? My family <3
248) What animal would you most like to have as a pet? BUNNY :3
249) Whats your favourite type of tree? Dogwood in memory of my Grandma <3
250) If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? BP
251) If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? Money
252) Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? Heather Morris
253) If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Defend my rights
254) Whats your favourite flower? Rose <3
255) Do you believe in ghosts? Yesh i do
256) Do you believe in the loch ness monster? Sure
257) Do you believe in Aliens? Yes, we think we know SO much of the galaxy, thats just no, we dont.
258) Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Maybe
259) Which is your favourite pokemon? Darkrai
260) What horror fiction character scares you the most? The creepy guy from the movie The Lovely Bones, so creepy...
261) Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? Yeppers
262) Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? yes
263) Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe? Sure
264) Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound? Keep the pounds C;
265) Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? I was a girl scout for about 5 years
266) Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? yesh Wide Grin
267) Do you have any secret family recipes? Somewhat
268) Do you have any family secrets? Maybe c:
269) Are you good at keeping secrets? Yep
270) Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Nope
271) Whats your favourite Sci-fi film/program etc? STAR TREK DER/ Star Wars (from my bf) xD
272) When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white?white
273) Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? Sausage
274) Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? Street
275) Would you ever want to learn to fly? Nah
276) Do you often read your horoscope? Not really
277) Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? Nope
278) Whats your favourite brand of newspaper? Idk
279) Have you ever milked a cow? Nope but i loveee milk xD
280) Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you? Lol no im 19
281) Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Mixed relationship >_<
282) Which was the greatest Empire? Roman
283) Whats the cleverest word you know? Hope- the meaning of it (Tatted on my wrist ;D)
284) Whats your favourite sportsware brand? Nike
285) Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? Glamour/17
286) Who's your favourite Superhero? Spider Man
287) Who's your favourite Villain/Baddie?Bane
288) What was the last Album you purchased? The newest Lady Gaga <3
289) What was the last DVD you purchased? oh gosh...The Blind Side (one of the best movies EVER)
290) What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? Shirts
291) When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? 2nd one
292) Do you ever make your own greetings cards? Nope
293) Do you have a swiss army knife? Nope i got a Machete <3
294) At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasnt real? 13 xD
295) Whats your favourite fruit? Apple/Pear
296) Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it? yes
297) Do you buy from charity shops? Yes
298) Have you ever sold your services? Yes
299) Have you ever raised money for charity? Yes Wide Grin
300) Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Nope i got big Monkey
301) Is the glass half full or half empty? Half full Wink
302) Is the grass greener on the other side? Nope its pretty freakin green over here

Hehe thanks
110 years, 3 months & 15 days ago 17th Jun 2014 19:26
I have to congratulate you for spending the time and effort answering all of these! That takes dedication!
110 years, 3 months & 16 days ago 17th Jun 2014 10:33
    26th Jun 2015 17:10
    9 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  2. Whats on my mind...
    21st Jun 2015 20:45
    9 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  3. Items currently for trade/sale
    21st Aug 2014 10:00
    10 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
  4. Songs I'm Obsessed With...
    24th Jun 2014 14:33
    10 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  5. Can't Decide...
    20th Jun 2014 08:22
    10 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
  6. Chibi Avatar Request
    18th Jun 2014 15:29
    10 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
  7. 302 Random Questions to Get to Know Me
    17th Jun 2014 09:22
    10 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  8. Second Tattoo idea ;D
    9th May 2014 14:37
    10 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  9. -Possible- Mega Giveaway
    1st Jan 2014 10:48
    10 years, 9 months & 2 days ago
  10. My first tatoo <3
    13th Jul 2013 10:20
    11 years, 2 months & 21 days ago