**Lending Flighty and Rainbow Fairy Avatars**
10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
20th Mar 2014 10:33 Hello, you may remember my previous boards a while ago. Well, I've decided to lend my pet Handprint again to anyone who needs the avatars.
You get the Flighty avatar once getting 300 transformations on your pet. I'm also lending the Rainbow Fairy avatar, and you get both of these avvies just by viewing Handprint's transformations. If you need them for your collection, I'll send Handprint to you, you view his transformations, and get the avatars.
Transformations don't have an effect on price, so he's only 10k to accept. However, I require a 50k tip please and an immediate return.
Just to be clear, you will get two avatars and I require a 50k tip please, which I think is fair for two avatars.
To clarify, you will need to send a CE of 60k to me.
Mail only if interested - (this is so I can keep track of sending and receiving, and who is first to send to)