Note to self (Hieroglyphics)
12 years & 13 days ago
31st Dec 2012 02:30 Hello, if somehow you have stumbled over to this blog then you're probably wondering what this is...
Here I am keeping record of all the Hieroglyphics gained from the university and things that I have bought to contribute to this.
I've then been using these to complete levels in the temple and as you can see ive spent very little and already on level 3, which is 9 Hieroglypics used.
The process is simple and if you are trying out the temple then I recommend this:
~Play worm digging and get a
free worm
~Use the worm by feeding it to the fish in the aquarium
~Recieve your
free scholarship and then enter your pet into that course at the university
So there you have it, you have got a
free Hieroglyphic. Out of my 14 pets I recieve about 5 Hieroglyphics each time.
I highly recommend this process as you save A LOT almost all your money that you would spend if you have the patience to wait for the right Hieroglyphic to be brought home from university.
This is a record of how much I have spent and I update this every time I recieve another Hieroglyphic with the date shown.
NOTE: I do not enter every pet into the university every day. The amount I enter changes varying from 5 to all 14, so my record here isn't per all 14 pets entered.
Hieroglyphic Z - 20k spent {29/12/12}
Hieroglyphic C - 3,450 MP spent {29/12/12}
Hieroglyphic D - 250k spent {30/12/12}
Beekeeper also gained a Hieroglyphic S {31/12/12}
Fendrel also gained a Hieroglyphic M {1/1/13}
Joules also gained a Hieroglyphic L {1/1/13}
Eliots also gained a Hieroglyphic J {1/1/13}
Fendrel also gained a Hieroglyphic L {1/1/13}
Worm - 8k {1/1/13}
Worm - 8k {2/1/13}
Humanities scholarship - 6.5k {2/1/13}
Ence also gained a Hieroglyphic T {2/1/13}
Snogged also gained a Hieroglyphic F {2/1/13}
Beekeeper also gained a Hieroglyphic O {2/1/13}
Doris also gained a Hieroglyphic C {3/1/13}
Ence also gained a Hieroglyphic M {4/1/13}
drops also gained a Hieroglyphic M {4/1/13}
Ence also gained a Hieroglyphic V {6/1/13}
Canoeing also gained a Hieroglyphic W {7/1/13}
Canoeing also gained a Hieroglyphic O {8/1/13}
Joules also gained a Hieroglyphic S {12/1/13}
Fendrel also gained a Hieroglyphic G {14/1/13}
Snogged also gained a Hieroglyphic O {30/1/13}
Scavages also gained a Hieroglyphic B {18/2/13}
Ence has also gained a Hieroglyphic T {20/05/13}
Beekeeper also gained a Hieroglyphic L
Hieropet also gained a Hieroglyphic T
Awoowoop also gained a Hieroglyphic L
Awoowoop also gained a Hieroglyphic F {24/7/13}
dlop also gained a Hieroglyphic Z {22/08/13}
{10/09/13} Wobit also gained a Hieroglyphic V
{20/09/13} Swyne also gained a Hieroglyphic Z
{18/10/13} Bellz also gained a Hieroglyphic G