[img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Chibs_seasonal.gif[/img] Applications for Candle will be open until 20th of December. Round 2 finalists will be selected on 24th December and Final round will be voted on Christmas Day by all marapets players.
In your app, please include:
Why do you want Candle?
Why should I pick you?
What are your goals on marapets?
Also, answer one of the following questions, there is no right or wrong answer, just be creative, original and amuse me (:
1. Who is your biggest hero, and why?
2. What are the five weirdest things that you like?
3. Do you believe in true love, or love at first sight?
- make your app decently long
- BUT not long and boring
- use proper grammar and spelling
- be funny if you wish, but don't overdo it
- be original so that your app stands out from the rest
- you can add pictures/poems whatever, just don't overdo it
- talk on the giveaway topic
I'll star my app with answering one of your questions c: Love at first sight, for some people yes it can happen i do believe. To be honest i kinda think it may have happened to me and my boyfee :3 I liked him since day one and we've now been together almost two years,I have two pets named after him "Maesin and Maesn" His names Mason :3
So back to my app for the Adorable Candle. I have seen candle a lot around being traded and such and she always managed to catch my eye, to be honest i really do have a little obsession with candles. Along with my cloud, custard and cactus obsession.. Candles name is hella cute already and the species and costume is just "rfdwshfsretjdfs" i adore it :3 My current pet goals are to get a Halloween ercuw and re-name it to Kyev (Who i have) and to swap names with my angel snookle to Yazemin (Who i alredy have) Both of those names are for my pearnts My mums name is Yazmin and my dads Name is Kevin, Kev for short(: Also i have to make Gwens my pucu fairy just because i adore fairy pucu's. (: Why should you pick me? Because i honestly to think i deserve Candle and i will look after her and give her a great home forever, I will say this because its true but i really do want to be Candles next owner. I would plan to never trade her as i really am attached to her adorable name. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone and thank you for giving everyone this chance! Very lovely of you and generous. I hope this app wasn't too bad :/ Hahah sorry i'm not so great at apps. But even your consideration for Candle would be amazing. Thanks again!
I hope you consider the lovely Candle to be in my hands!
~ Love Gwen x
112 years & 25 days ago 18th Dec 2012 15:34
Hello! My name is Tiffany. First off, I want to say thank you for this amazing opportunity! I want Candle for a few reasons. For one, Candle is super adorable! Candle would fit right in with my chibs,and I would like to rename my hobo chibs to have a better name as well. I also want candle because I have always wanted a seasonal pet! They are very hard to make because Seasonal costumes are so expensive and I would be too afraid to portal one of my chibs. You should pick me because I am a nice person. I have done my own giveaways recently as well as in the past. You should also pick me because this is something that I really want and something that would put a huge smile on my face. I have a few goals on marapets. My goals are in no specific order, but include, Completing Blitzen, Renaming my Hobo Chibs, Changing Explain into a LE pet, obtaining a minipet ercuw and helping all the players that I can help.
My biggest hero just so happens to be my Mom. There are a few reasons she happens to be my hero. She has always been such a giving person, always putting others first no matter what. She constantly helps people. She is a nurse, so she constantly helps people in that way. She also always helps people in our church and others who are in need such as the homeless. This year, she had a major heart attack. After her heart attack she had to have a stent placed in her heart, and something in her leg as well. The thing they had to put in her leg caused more problems and she had to have another surgery. Through all this, she stayed strong. She still continues to help people and live her life even after she could be hating life. The reasons listed above are why my mom is my biggest hero. I like a lot of weird things, so picking five might be hard. I like to crack my toes, I like alligator even though I am a vegetarian, I like puppy dog breath, I like peppermint flavored chips, and When I was little I liked walking through cow poop ( yeah I know, really weird.) I really want Candle to be part of my mara family, she will be the "light" of my mara family and will also represent all the light my mom has brought to my life. She will be my Candle leading me through the dark. Thanks for the chance!!
112 years & 25 days ago 18th Dec 2012 15:11
I told myself I'd only app for Thomis but I couldnt help myself, I've apped for both! Okay, I would like to have Candle because the name is simply one of a kind(on this site, quite literally so! ). I am very picky on names, and Candle goes above and beyond my expectations! I think you should pick me because I have been a loyal and active member of mara since 2009. Candle would not be in danger of ending up on an inactive/quit account as I am NOT quitting for at least another good 4 or 9,004,534 years(but seriously, not quitting for a long while! I'm frankly surprised at the low amount of applicants for this giveaway, as its one of the best I've seen in a long time! Anyways, as I stated on my app for Thomis my ultimate mara goal is to have every cossied pucu there is! I have purchased a Calico Costume and a Snow Costume and they are to be my next pucus(Calico pucu first) ! Candle would ONLY be traded for 3 or 4 w/n pucus which I realize not too many folks have that many pucus on thier accounts, but it will be well worth the wait for my birdies!
The five weirdest things I like are cleaning my horses stalls, I enjoy Gushers in between two baked lays chips, adding salt to my diet pepsi/diet coke, collecting pucus, and apping for Candle and Thomis!
Thanks for your consideration,
Sophie <3
112 years & 26 days ago 17th Dec 2012 19:39
I have made my application for Candle, located here. I hope you enjoy it!
112 years & 27 days ago 16th Dec 2012 12:17
112 years & 27 days ago 16th Dec 2012 03:38
Hello im Cody, heres a bit about me Im from Birmingham, its in the United Kingdom, and i see your from Aussie, my family lives over there i think its beautiful. Ive been on mara for a LOOONG time for about 4 years i think so ive kinda got the grips of it now. You must be such a lovely person for giving away your beautiful pets, i couldn't decide which one to apply for but of course im applying for your beautiful Candle I LOVE CANDLE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE CANDLE and I am applying for Candle because my dream pet is an angel chibs, and my other dream pet is to have a w/n non-le that i could of turned le. SO OMG it would be perfect 2 in one of my dream pets a real word/name and a chibs I want Candle because i love its name, ive always wanted a pet that had a real common word. You should pick me because i dont have any high le pets and i was trying to collect low-mid les to get my dream pet. My goals on marapets are to get 10mil mp, im currently working on that by restocking. And to have my dream pet, an angel chibs. The 5 weirdest things that i like are; Clicking my body eg. Fingers, Back, Toes. I have a thing for grated cheese, i could sit there all day and eat packets of it haha XD. I like squeezing spots, i know its kinda discusting but i like it when the yellow puss comes out *hand over face*. I like getting my arms waxed, i love the feeling of it. I LOVE the smell of petrol! Did you know that an average person only sends 50 texts per week! Ive tried to make my app the best i could ever type because i really do want Candle and if i got it i would be so happy, and it would be an amazing christmas present on Mara. If i got Candle, i would do a giveaway myself, and giveaway about 4/5 of my les. Thankyou so much and You're so kind for doing this, hope to see you round the graphics forum and i hope you have a lovely christmas. Cody XXXXX.
112 years & 28 days ago 15th Dec 2012 10:00
So I started playing marapets like five years ago and in that time a kind player was lovely enough to give me my first ever LE which also happened to be a beautiful Chibs, my dream pet. That is the only Chibs I have EVER owned but for what seems like ever I've wanted another to keep.
Um okay biggest hero, that would be wonder woman. I mean, the woman HAS a golden lasso! She can be like "ummm no. Make ME a sammich." Fer reals. Nah but legitimately I have never had a hero. No one to look up to at all. D:
Okay so why do I want Candle? First off she is GORGEOUS and I love seasonal chibs. Why should you pick me? I don't know. I mean to be straight up, I have almost all LE pets right now so there's probably no point. But hey I try, I'd love her forever and ever and probably wouldn't trade. What are my goals? To get a chibs, to be successful, to help out new players and random players on a daily basis. So that's...yea that's it.
Thanks for reading!
112 years & 1 month ago 12th Dec 2012 15:22
Pic for Candle.
112 years, 1 month & 3 days ago 9th Dec 2012 06:25