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Welcome caroller!

Thank you for visiting my profile <3<3 My name is Ellen, I live in Australia and play mara occassionally :)
    18th Dec 2012 17:54
    11 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
    4th Dec 2012 04:58
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  3. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dream
    4th Dec 2012 04:42
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  4. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Luck
    4th Dec 2012 04:25
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  5. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Candle
    4th Dec 2012 03:56
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  6. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Thomis
    4th Dec 2012 03:36
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  7. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dil
    4th Dec 2012 03:06
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  8. The Canvas
    22nd Sep 2012 02:12
    11 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  9. Rescue a Shuki!
    24th Aug 2012 01:38
    11 years, 10 months & 10 days ago
  10. Untaken pet names
    21st Aug 2010 06:31
    13 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
GIVEAWAY~~~App for Candle
11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
4th Dec 2012 03:56

Applications for Candle will be open until 20th of December. Round 2 finalists will be selected on 24th December and Final round will be voted on Christmas Day by all marapets players.

In your app, please include:
Why do you want Candle?
Why should I pick you?
What are your goals on marapets?

Also, answer one of the following questions, there is no right or wrong answer, just be creative, original and amuse me (:

1. Who is your biggest hero, and why?
2. What are the five weirdest things that you like?
3. Do you believe in true love, or love at first sight?

- make your app decently long
- BUT not long and boring
- use proper grammar and spelling
- be funny if you wish, but don't overdo it
- be original so that your app stands out from the rest
- you can add pictures/poems whatever, just don't overdo it
- talk on the giveaway topic

My app is a website. It took me at least 3 hours+ to make it. Sorry to hear you're quitting though, I think I've seen you around before. But anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and have a wonderful holiday season! xx(:


111 years, 6 months & 25 days ago 7th Dec 2012 17:42
Hello! The people here usually call me Dark but as for this month I am the "Dark Christmas Angel!" haha it's kind of like a superhero name.
Anyways, The reasons I would appriciate Candle is 1) because of the name. I've always liked candles, even when I was little. The flame dancing to the wind was entrancing and I loved the feeling of candle wax whether it was melted or hardened. Then there is the smell of them! Each has a different intoxicating aroma. Another reason I would greatly appriciate Candle is beause Candle is a Chibs. I love chibs and because Candle is seasonal it would help me narrow down my decision on what to costume Saunt.
On to your next question; why you should pick me. Personally I never like this section of the application process, it makes me feel like the center of attention. But in the case, because you asked, I would be happy to oblige. I believe you should pick me because I've been playing for over 6 years with zero breaks and well there are plenty more deserving people out there with less than what I have but it's worth a shot.
Currently I only have four goals left for Mara. Right now I am three levels away from completing the Temple to change Saunts costumes (currently having an inner debate between Party, Starry, and Seasonal.) which is one of my goals, to reattain the pet kailee, and the other goals are to change Bumbaris costume to Gothic and to rename her something else.
I decided that I will answer number 1 of your three questions. My biggest hero is a what rather than a who. That what are books. The stories they hold in their pages are inspiring, captivating, and transport you to an entirely new world. They've saved me, taught me, and inspired me to be the person I am today, I don't know where I would be today if I didn't love to read as much as I do.
Well, thank you so much for this opportunity and I really hope I didn't bore you to terribly. I wish you luck choosing someone for each of the pets and this is very generous of you. Best of luck!
~Dark (TheDarkChristmasAngel) <3
111 years, 6 months & 28 days ago 4th Dec 2012 18:09


Sorry for the length. I really put a lot of effort into this. :x Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes that might exist.

Thanks for reading & the chance to app! <3
111 years, 6 months & 28 days ago 4th Dec 2012 16:30

Thank you !
111 years, 6 months & 28 days ago 4th Dec 2012 16:08

First post!
111 years, 6 months & 29 days ago 4th Dec 2012 06:00
Hello im Cody, of course im applying for your
beautiful Candle
I am applying for Candle because my dream pet is an
angel chibs, and my other dream pet is to have a
w/n non-le that i could of turned le. I want Candle because i love its name, ive always
wanted a pet that had a real common word. You should pick me because i dont have any high le
pets and i was trying to collect low-mid les to get my dream pet.
My goals on marapets are to get 10mil mp, im currently working on that by restocking. And to have my dream pet, an angel chibs.
The 5 weirdest things that i like are; Clicking my body eg. Fingers, Back, Toes. I have a thing for grated cheese, i could sit there all day and eat packets of it haha XD. I like squeezing spots, i know its kinda discusting but i like it when the yellow puss comes out *hand over face*. I like getting my arms waxed, i love the feeling of it.
I LOVE the smell of petrol!
Did you know that an average person only sends 50 texts per weekSo! Ive tried to make my app the best i could ever type because i really do want Candle and if i got it i would be so happy, and it would be an amazing christmas present on Mara.
If i got Candle, i would do a giveaway myself, and giveaway about 4/5 of my les. Thankyou so much and You're so kind for doing this, hope to see you round the graphics forum and i hope you have a lovely christmas.


ps) im going to stalk the giveaway topic now hehehe!
111 years, 6 months & 29 days ago 4th Dec 2012 05:17
oh ok ^^
you better not quit!
111 years, 6 months & 29 days ago 4th Dec 2012 04:34
i'm quitting the gaming part of marapets, but i'll still come here for the forums and graphics(:

111 years, 6 months & 29 days ago 4th Dec 2012 04:24
why are you giving away all your pets are you quitting?
111 years, 6 months & 29 days ago 4th Dec 2012 04:11
    18th Dec 2012 17:54
    11 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
    4th Dec 2012 04:58
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  3. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dream
    4th Dec 2012 04:42
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  4. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Luck
    4th Dec 2012 04:25
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  5. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Candle
    4th Dec 2012 03:56
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  6. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Thomis
    4th Dec 2012 03:36
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  7. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dil
    4th Dec 2012 03:06
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  8. The Canvas
    22nd Sep 2012 02:12
    11 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  9. Rescue a Shuki!
    24th Aug 2012 01:38
    11 years, 10 months & 10 days ago
  10. Untaken pet names
    21st Aug 2010 06:31
    13 years, 10 months & 14 days ago