A certain (rude) finger gesture for this week...
13 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
1st Jul 2011 07:03 ^ I hope that won't get me banned or something...
Hey all again!!!! Long since I wrote, but hey still!
Ever realized the school always clumps things together at the last week of school. Well, yeah. I'm basically slumping in my chair after my part time job just because of all the (wierd) things happened this week. The music concert just had to be on Monday....I couldn't get driven so I risked my no-sense-of-direction self on to the tram to the venue, I got there alive though. I couldn't get home, had to get a lift, blah blah. Not going to bore all of you with boring details. 'It was a drag' was the conclusion, except these are the things you can't really skip out from.
The most important(?) thing was actually the injection on Tuesday. You see, I have a slight phobia of needles(just the vaccine ones, thankfully) so I was shuffling on snail speed and trying to drag it on as long as possible. No chance, obviously. The nurse just told someone to hold my hand(which was covering my arm) My arm still hurts
So long!