Of how I came to know about Marapet...
13 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
9th May 2011 02:34 It was
years ago, I think.
Back then I was in grade 5 or so.
it was the summer holiday, to save myself from the fiery, hot Australian summer weather I went to the local library to chill out. When I was on the computer wondering what should I waste my time on, I saw a piece of paper stuck underneath the monitor of the computer. It said "marapets.com" so I typed it in purely out of curiousity. And that's how I first came to play Marapets.
Gee, It's been what, half a decade now. I'll be finishing high school in two years and I'm still playing it(lol)
Anyhow, I met a lot of interesting people here, I have been ripped off in trade, typing and refreshing furiously at the auction, spending hours on games, had so much fun in clubs and so on.
A huge thank you to the creators of Marapet.
Marapet had played a considerable part in my life.