Nose job gone wrong.
13 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
27th Jun 2011 14:54 Alright....Nose job gone wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Yuck-o, I've got a reese nose. All horrible and round. Okay, I'm ranting...But look at it! As soon as I can I am putting this thing back. I look like I may have a nasally voice, gross, gross, gross! Well...what do you think of this botched job? How soon shall I rid myself of it, now, or after others get a good look at it?
10 min. later. Aaaaaa! I got a new ticket...and BOOM! pig nose.
Now I must wait 2 hours until a new nose.
New nose! AAAAAAAA! The long one! Thats a reeaally bad doc!