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    17th Aug 2010 19:00
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  5. nts
    7th Dec 2009 13:56
    14 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
13 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
17th Aug 2010 19:00

Yea, I'm quitting. I love marapets, but I feel like I have better ways to spend my time, especially now that I'm starting school again.
I'm giving away EVERYTHING.
That includes:
- About 3.5 million marapoints
- 61k BP
- 113k RP
- Ectoplasmia (stats, books, elite gym stats)
- Jheda
- All other pets
- Anything else I can find


Crazy right?

Jk, here is what I'm doing.

1st prize: 2.5 million mp, and EVERYTHING else.
2nd prize [Will go to experienced player]: 500k mp
3rd prize[will go to a newbie]: 500k mp

I may change things around a little bit (throw in a costume for the 2nd prize winner). But probably not.

So basically, you are applying for EVERYTHING. =DDD

- Anyone can apply
- No trying to be someone your not.
- No sugar-coating
- No brownie points
- Be yourself. If your a mean person, I better see that in your app. No trying to be someone your not.
- Long apps preferred.
- I am probably not going to read every single app. I'll probably just look at the first few sentences and decide If I'll read it or not
- There won't be a "finalists" board.
- The contest ends Tomorrow when I get home from school, probably before I go to bed.
- You basically have 24 hours.
- Don't lie about your mara-age.

Post apps on this blog only. No chatting.
You have about 24 hours, GO GO GO


Hello Dream.
I am Broke, and I am applying here for your Big Giveaway.
The reason why I am here is because of 3 Reasons.

As you can see, I already have Good Pets and already have Many MPs, so I will not going to apply for myself.
I will apply for 3 Reasons because I hate being greedy.

1st Reason
I will apply for my Club [Rare].
I need the MPs for my Club, because I really want to help my own club and I want it to be in success, so I will try to apply on your MPs so I can have the chance to give it to my club because I really love it.
I am happy that you are also a member of Rare, and I am sad to see you quitting.

2nd Reason
If ever I will get the Pets, I will give it to my best friend in Mara. I will give it to a friend that I really love, because she really help me so much and I want to give something in return, even though I want your Pets but as I said, I am not a greedy type of player so I will give it to a friend if ever I won.

3rd Reason
All the other stuff will going to my club and other friend.
I will share it if ever I won.
Share it to those people who really deserve to have it, mostly on my club.

That is all, and I am really happy to apply on this BIG GIVEAWAY, for giving me this very awesome opportunity to apply.

Goodluck in your Real World.

113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 21st Aug 2010 04:52
*Swoon* this would be A-MAZE-ING!
to win I've only been here on Mara for about 2 weeks and have already fallen in love! I spend almost all night on it! I'm sorry your leaving Mara It's really too bad! But I'm sure you will have lots of other thing to occupy you time I don't know what I'm going to do once school starts since I won't be able to stay up late and all.
I suppose Marapets for me is sort of an escape from stress I've been thinking a lot about getting older lately and I guess its just fun to go back and do stuff a kid would do ya know? I have about 350,000 mp right now and no LE's. I think My favorite part of Mara is the clubs cause i have met so many genuinely nice people through the club I have joined and I find it really fun to chat with them and not have to worry about being judged. This could really change my life on Marapets but I'm sure you have heard a ton of that kinda stuff. I don't wanna bore you with a really long post to read. I hope You chose me that would be just awesome! I'm sure Mara will miss you so best of luck in the year to come!
NOTE: I would love your fairy Azul if you haven't given it away already!
113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 19:39
Hello. :]
How do I start an app for this giveaway? Well, I am an experienced member, I been here for a total of 5 years. I had two other accounts before this one. I would really love to win this giveaway because; I need more items for my gallery. I like to collect au items, as you can see which are in my trades now. I have been seeing you around the forums sometimes and you seen like a very nice person, it is sad to see another well-known member leaving marapets, but there are other things to do in life than be in front of a computer all day. I did not want to make my app too long, because personally if I had a giveaway I would not want to read more than like 10 sentences. Ha. Even if you do not pick me I will not get upset, but I hope you have a very good life. Thanks for reading.
113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 19:06
Ayeee there I'm Lexi. I've been playing on Marapets for about 4 years. I had older accounts, I recently transferred about 2 months ago to this one. I love this site, and although I'm a bit embarrassed to /still be addicted, I don't know when I'll ever quit.

So, I really don't apply for giveaways too much. I did however get my lovely Viotto, Brogean and my sindi Oirt from giveaways. But that's it, and I swear. <3

Winning this would honestly mean the entire world to me. I could use all these shenanigans. Your gallery is gorgeous. I feel like I've wasted years on Mara working on my pets, when really I wish I just had MP and cool items. I'm a loser, I know. I seriously use all my points and pets on my club though. I plan to give at least half of my pets away, just because I love hosting giveaways and such. I try to be generous when I can. It honestly isn't easy for me to make MP. Restocking is /so hard for me. I'm a pretty fast typer but not compared to the others who can like steal a dakota potion in a second and make me feel like a turd.

Enough rambling, I love your beautiful pets and items. From the bottom of my heart, everything from MP to Jheda & Ecto would be going to a great home. I'd keep your pets. I don't trade anything given to me. I'd donate the full 2.5 mill to my club. I can count on that. And the items I would probably just store in my gallery for safe-keeping.

I know I have a lot it seems like, but soon i won't. And I'm trying to be as sincere as I can that I am broke, and would love to take over your belongings. I feel so greedy, I know. Sorry. D:

Best wishes to you in real life and school, and all I can do is hope you pick the best owner & that I'm not too late.

Thanks for taking your time!
113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 19:02
now 2 app of mine have been deleted 20 minutes wasted!I will lose it was a long app, ill atatch some photots i wont win probably but i guess that how life goes....
113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 18:06

Wow, so much stuff. Where should I start? I suppose I could start off by introducing myself.

My names's Mary & I am 15 years old. I'll be 16 in October. I'm a little over 4 years old on Marapets. I started playing in May '06. I suppose that would make me an experienced player(:

Well, I am obviously aiming for first place along w/ everyone else.

About the 2.5mil mp, it would really, really help me w/ getting through the Rune Temple w/ Vawny. I am going to make her Gothic. I am making her Gothic because it would be so awesome to have a Gothic & Fairy Sindi<3
I think I deserve the mp because I am a very generous person. I randomly buy people things or give them mp. Like if I see someone post a board saying something like "Ugh I wish I had a little more mp" w/o even meaning anything by it I'll send them some mp. I always give away my stuff if i have things worth giving away. My point is that I'm really generous & helpful, & it would be really nice to be the one getting helped out every now & then.

On to the pets.
I guess I'll start w/ Exctoplasmia
I don't really like Ercuws that much, so if I were to win first place I would probably trade him for a pet that I liked. Or you know, you could give him to the second place winner(:

Okay for Jheda, I wouldn't trade her. Or costume her. I honestly wouldn't do anything w/ her except have her look pretty on my profile because she's perfect. I really, really like Royal Chibs but I have unfortunately never owned one before. So, being able to win first place & being the new owner of Jheda would be awesome!

The BP & RP
Well, I would probably spend the BP on newspapers & sell them OR I would trade it for RP.
I would more than likely trade it for RP because I am thinking about attemtping the Fates. After saying that, I am sure you know what I will use the 113k for.

Well, I think I have covered everything!

I hope you consider me(:

113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 17:50
Hey! (:
My name is Ruby. I've seen you around when I stalk forums. I don't think you know me though. o.o ahahaha. xD

Anyways, I am actually about 3 years+ old on marapets. I got banned in April, I think.../stupid/

So..I think I really need to get a life,but I find it's hard to quit Mara. To be honest I'm a bit uhh...greedy. Just kidding. I love to help other people,especially what I excel in. My site,is a site me and my friend Reindeary created to help other people.

Problem? I spend too much. Especially on people's graphics to help them out or on sites. My new site,, is a site that takes people's graphics shop in a little mall. I've estimated that the total cost is around 2 million,and that would make me very close to being bankrupt. I've spent a lot of times on both sites.

Proof? I haven't sold a graphic in almost 3 weeks. And graphic selling is my main source of 'income'. x]

Oh god,I'm ranting. Kind of. I should shut up. So uhh,I'm sorry to hear your quitting,I hope I can end up doing the same in a few more..uhhh..years? I dunno. I don't think I'll be able to quit truly. D;

Anyways,thanks! That's about it.

-Ruby <3

113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 16:59
Hiya (:
Chloe is it? Well my name is Laura (just incase you would like to know)

Just a few bits and pieces about me.. I am overly obsessed with Katy Perry, Ive been playing Mara for about a year now annnnd I absolutely adore vintage clothes.

So very obviously I am here to apply for EVERYTHING that you currentley own on Mara.
Now why would I want to do that?
Well, I guess you could say that I love winning. I hate losing.
Plus, I need MP and better pets and lost of puuuurdy items ;]

So yeah, thats it I guess.
113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:30
I'm Trubble, or Maria and I'm a pathetic mara lover who fails at collecting and stating.
I'm obviously applying for everything like everyone else because I'm greedy and I like LE pets.

I'm not really sure what else to say..
so I'm going to put a song down.

Cannonball - The Breeders
I hope you like it.
113 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 18th Aug 2010 15:09
    17th Aug 2010 19:00
    13 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
    6th Jul 2010 12:56
    14 years & 1 day ago
  3. Restock times
    5th Jul 2010 15:02
    14 years & 2 days ago
    17th Jun 2010 18:50
    14 years & 20 days ago
  5. nts
    7th Dec 2009 13:56
    14 years, 6 months & 28 days ago