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    17th Aug 2010 19:00
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  5. nts
    7th Dec 2009 13:56
    14 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
14 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
17th Aug 2010 19:00

Yea, I'm quitting. I love marapets, but I feel like I have better ways to spend my time, especially now that I'm starting school again.
I'm giving away EVERYTHING.
That includes:
- About 3.5 million marapoints
- 61k BP
- 113k RP
- Ectoplasmia (stats, books, elite gym stats)
- Jheda
- All other pets
- Anything else I can find


Crazy right?

Jk, here is what I'm doing.

1st prize: 2.5 million mp, and EVERYTHING else.
2nd prize [Will go to experienced player]: 500k mp
3rd prize[will go to a newbie]: 500k mp

I may change things around a little bit (throw in a costume for the 2nd prize winner). But probably not.

So basically, you are applying for EVERYTHING. =DDD

- Anyone can apply
- No trying to be someone your not.
- No sugar-coating
- No brownie points
- Be yourself. If your a mean person, I better see that in your app. No trying to be someone your not.
- Long apps preferred.
- I am probably not going to read every single app. I'll probably just look at the first few sentences and decide If I'll read it or not
- There won't be a "finalists" board.
- The contest ends Tomorrow when I get home from school, probably before I go to bed.
- You basically have 24 hours.
- Don't lie about your mara-age.

Post apps on this blog only. No chatting.
You have about 24 hours, GO GO GO

Hiya, I'm Erin.

I'm an awful app writer, so excuse that please :S

About myself:
I have been playing MaraPets since I was about 10. My old account was erin121. I ended up self banning that account, as when I turned 13 I couldn't access forums! Basically on MaraPets, I like to chat on forums, save for my Dream Pets, do quests and missions, particually Elger because of the crystals, and obviously partake in events. Currently looking foward to 6th Birthday Event.

Anyways, if I am very lucky in winning this fantastic prize, then this is what I would do with the prizes: (:

~ 61k BP - I won't lie, I would most likely just buy stuff from Rupunzel that I can use and sell. I would also buy newspapers.

~ 113k RP - I would definitely save this, as I would like to attempt Fates Mission at the end of the year (:

~ Jheda - I would definitely keep Jheda as any sort of Chibs would be great. Cats are my favourite animal, so Chibs obviously resemble them well. So Jheda would never be traded. Jheda would be statted to the max though, books, cd's, dvd's, level. Everything!

~ Ectoplasmia - I would most likely trade Ectoplasmia. I would keep Ectoplasmia for a while though. So yes, I most likely would trade, although never portal or disown. I would continue to stat Ectoplasmia.

~ All Gallery Items - It would depend on what the items were. I would most likely sell a lot, but I would also keep some for my own charater or pets. (:

~ MP - I would save the MP. I would put half towards my Dream Pet Fund. My DP's would have to be a Viotto, Chibs and Lati.
I would put the rest towards missions, gaining avatars, quests, restock, and all the rest!

This is what I would do with the prizes. I hope my application wasn't too boring! Hopefully you got past the first 2 lines.

Thanks for taking your time to read my app, and hopefully I am lucky ! (:

Sorry to hear your leaving, goodluck with whatever you choose to do in your life.

114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 23:41
Hi. My name is Jed. I really like Ecruws. They were the number one pet iv'e wanted since I was a beginner. But if you give Ectoplasmia and Jheda I would Give them back to you if you ever play marapets again.
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 23:36
Im Susan and I've started playing marapets on this account in november 2007.(too lazy to check loyalty pages for exact date) I had an old account that was in the 400k Account ID but it got banned... Wanna hear the story? Well i made the account when i was like 9? 10?10 1/2? and so the other account couldnt go on forums so there was nothing to do and I started playing the "other site" until i got bored of that one and so I searched up pet sites and I remebered I had an account on marapets and then I realized I couldnt go on forums so then i made another account without deleting the other one and I was clueless(since I and most people never really read the terms and conditions ect.) so yeahh they got banned xD.Currently now im just doing elger quets(trying to pay off the douoble crystals gb) wasting my time on mara ect.

Your Stuff
What im doing with the MP is probably just storing in bank account with my 7.5m until i want to buy something.
The pets? Well probably be traded since I crrently have nothing else to trade and im just addicted since I got my second rofling I basically have nothing and I would actually want to get a hobo chibs so I can give to ....someone who really wants one(i know who it is already)
Gallery? Well plushies will go into my attic until i decide to do something with them and ff costume will be used on my other rofling Maybe selling some stuff sticking into my gallery?
Anyways basically what im going to do with your stuff if just to mix it uo with mine.
thats it i guess?
Well thanks for reading if you do read and Yeah I would quit too if i could but MARA IS SO ADDICTING :x I prettymuch spent the entire summer and school year here. as you can see im quite "rich" already so i dont mind if you choose someone else as they PROBABLY deserve it more this is probably the longest time i have spent on a app and the longest app too. xD
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 21:30
First off, I get why your leaving and im glad you are willing to give away your hard earned stuff instead of letting it rot like most people.

Second, I'll be myself. I am mean. No lie. I am not nice to people who act like they know it all, and beg on these apps and tell their life stories, like honestly if I was you i would be thinking "woah I really dont careXD" I am always nice to people who are nice to me, always. I am trustworthy, I am babysitting a chibs for a friend who has no room, like I am not going to go do something shady where everything of yours (if given to me) will rot because I get banned. No, not like that at all. I am just, eh how do I put it, I have a personality. I am very knowledgeable with marapets, you can say I've been on a few years

For real though, I know this isnt a typical app, but I dont think begging is the right thing to do. I am just saying, hey, ya know, I'm a good owner, I know whats going on, and I would be an EXCELLENT choice to recieve this giveway.

Do you wanna know what I'd do with everything?
Well you cant answer that so I'll tell you. Did you ever see an underwater dakota? yes? ISNT IT THE CUTEST THING EVER? i know it is That's my dream pet. Not an expensive LE thats impossible to get. Nope an underwater dakota. YOU could help me get it, thats right, YOU.
I promise I will be forever grateful and honestly, dont be scared to maramail me with any questions.
Oh yeah, and thanks. Ya know, for reading this.I tried making this app long, but I dont wanna just blabber along cuz you got better things to do, so thanks, haha.
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 21:22
Caution: This will be a long app.
I think this is probably going to be the most boring, weird app I've ever done.
But anyways! I am actually a girl, unlike my doll. I'm 14, going to be 15 in February! I've been on Mara since August 10, 2008, at 4:27 in the morning. I'm a night person, I don't know why. If you couldn't tell by my username, hahaha. Okay, so the MP would really help me in my dream of costuming my pets and making them LE and stuff, if you want to see my goals then look here:
My main goals are to have my pet Lavishing be an Angel Quell and for my pet Hostyle to be a Midnight Chibs. I already have a Midnight costume, and I just need a Chibs potion/Enchanted plushie. I'm not sure how I'll get Lavishing to be an Angel Quell, seeing as they're so expensive to get the costume and the potion, but if I get the MP I'll be able to put her through the Temple. Wow... Long sentence just then haha. The BP and the RP, honestly, I would sell, because that's even more MP to go towards my pet goals. And the pets Jheda and Ectoplasmia are so beautiful <3 I love Chibs.. And I love Ercuws! Because of his stats I would most likely let my best friend borrow him for battles, and to stat him up, she loves statting pets. Jheda, which I'm guessing is pronounced like Jehduh, is so amazing. I love Royal pets anyways, and the fact that she's a Chibs is even better. She would just be pampered...And your Gallery, I would use the Nefarious Female Costume in my wardrobe, I love them. I would put the plushies in my gallery! I collect Plushies. I would sell most of the other stuff, using the MP I'd earn to get some kind of Ercuw Potion and use that and the Fire Fairy costume on Harijuaa. <3 If you read my app, thanks. I know it's probably choppy in parts but, I'm a random, hyper person and once I start talking I don't stop, unless you tell me to shut up because I'm making your ears bleed. Which I have been told before :/
But anyways, thank you to much for tour time. Even if you skimmed, haha, I know you must be getting tons of apps and it must be annoying reading through all of them. Okay, I'm starting to blabber, not that I haven't been doing that but still... Thanks!
Solar <3
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 21:21

i'll love you forever if you read mine.xD

Hello.xD Im aly. I have been playing marapets for about 5 years now, [old account was kindness.] My birthday is September 4th, which is soon, so this would be cool to win. To tell you the truth, i know, my apps suck, and ive never won a giveaway, but i thought, hey..why not try? I think im a very l.e.a.f player, but you can be the judge of that. ^^ Anyways, I'd love some mp's, bp's, and rp's because as you can tell by looking at my profile, i barely have any. I'd also love to get Ectoplasmia and Jedha, because both of them are very sxc : D and i only have 1 LE pet. :/ Well, im not good at long apps, so i guess ill stop here.xD have a good day, goodluck in rl, and goodluck choosing. Im sorry to see you go. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 21:01
So, I'm Melissa and I play mara because I have nothing better to do when I'm not at my friends house. But she has 3 computers so I pretty much no-life it on here at her place often too. Anyways, Just like everyone else who will app here I want your stuff and your pets.
I have been playing mara for about 4 years on this account. I can't really say that I've ever held some spectacular giveaway where I've given amazing LE's, in fact I think the only giveaway I have ever held was a poera giveaway in like my first year of mara.Haha. I guess that's because I've spent a lot of time training and trading for Tabie. Which is one of the reasons I want your mp. I want to continue statting her and buying learnies for her. And maybe put her through the temple to change her seasonal, which is one of my main goals when I get eough mp to do so. It'll probably be a while before I even do this though.
And now on to your pets. I'll start with Ectoplasmia. Ercuws are alright I guess, never really desired one except for a stoneage one. I honestly don't know why stoneage ercuws in particular are the only ones I like, but they are. So if I got Ectoplasmia I'd either trade him or costume him stoneage. Even though a slime costume would probably match him better, I'd definitely still turn him stoneage. And now that I'm looking at his stats, if I raised his elite stats a little he'd probably be a good olympics pet too.
What I have to say about Jheda, chibs = ???. I would definitely love to have her just like a lot of people on mara.
I'll finish up with the items. I'd probably sell most of the items since Tabie has most of those learnies or I'd have no use for them. What ever learnies I could use on Tabie I would and the rest would either rot in my gallery or be sold. I know for a fact the pet costumes would definitely be saved in my gallery. And the trading card would be used in my deck.
If you've read this far, then I guess my app wasn't boring and thank you for taking the time to read it. If I do win, I'm gonna be so stoked. Sorry if it's too long/short, I can't ever tell which.
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 20:53
My name is Kathy and I've been playing Marapets for about 3 years. I would love to own an LE pet; if I got one from somebody it would mean the world to me. But I know you can't please everybody, so it's OK if I don't win the giveaway.

I love playing Marapets, especially doing quests and missions. I would put the MP, BP, and RP you give me to good use. My club, Opulent, is in need of some rearrangements and the money would be perfect for that. I am not a selfish person, I promise-I help out newbies when I can and chat on Forums a lot. So thank you for reading this and I hope you consider giving me your stuff.
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 20:45
im arose :] i joined mara in sept of 08. i have worked hard on what i've received on this account. i normally dont join giveaways, i join a few.
Im apping for all of this because i actually could use good use for it
RP-im doing fates, currently half way through, and i still need rp
MP-will help me get more trading cards because i love to battle.
Your pet Ectoplasmia will be greatly used in olympics since im saving points up to buy some items from the OP shop. Currently a little under than 300 points
Jedha is a sexy chibs and i like sexy chibs ;D ahah
im not really good at writing long apps, so. im just gonna leave it here and hopefully you get the point that your items/currency/pets will greatly help me in the future :]
thank you
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 20:36
Hai There I'm Lizzie,I don't think you really wanna learn about me and my boring self considering the fact my life discription is about a sentence long So I'm just ganna get to the point.I'd really like your points I'm not like all these other people who are like "I'd like everything you own" I'm just not like that I'd feel Greedy and guilty if I did that xD I really would like your points because of the fact in all my years in Mara I've never had over 500k and 3.5Million would Amazing.I could Finaly get that LE I've been dreaming up of.I could also help me club out with our giveaways and such.Having 3.5 million would open my eyes to the light beyond the darkness :] Please consider-Love Lizzie
114 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2010 20:33
    17th Aug 2010 19:00
    14 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
    6th Jul 2010 12:56
    14 years & 3 months ago
  3. Restock times
    5th Jul 2010 15:02
    14 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
    17th Jun 2010 18:50
    14 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  5. nts
    7th Dec 2009 13:56
    14 years, 9 months & 30 days ago