Poems I've written!

14 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
1st Jun 2010 17:43Leaving My heart
The time will come for us to part
But with you I will leave my heart
I???ll miss the smell of your skin
All that has been
Your kiss on my lips
Your hands on my hips
All that was, can be all that is
Everything about you now I???ll miss
I???d run into your arms
Run away from harm
You were always there
The one who really cared
My heart I give to you
You really knew
Now I leave
And I will grieve
I love you
We aren???t two
Were one together
Soaring together light as a feather
Singing to the world
She sings and twirls
Beckoning to mankind
Making them blind
Leading them to death
Leading them to their last breath
This is the siren as you see
But the siren is not much more than a pretty faced banshee
Sailors have crumbled at her melodious sounds
She???s brought many of to the sea to drown
Ruler of sky
She leads all to die
The siren is what she be
Is that the siren I see?
What the Sea Thinks
The wind blows through the trees
Ruffling the leaves
But what does it matter to me?
I???m just the sea
I can???t go on land
Alone I cannot stand
There are many creatures inside me
But I???d like to be above thee
Maybe the sky
Where everything would fly high
Or maybe the land
Where I could meet dry sand
I am only the sea
That???s what I???ll always be
But that doesn???t matter to me
What matters is what I can be
To Escape
The easiest way to escape is to die
So that???s why I try
They send me to people
Therapists who think I???m a fool
But what do I care
For the world my death would be fair
Gone from the face of this planet
So I tell them, ???Can it!???
To escape is to die
Many people ask why
But I???ve found another way
It???s to find your love today
That person???s your anchor for this land
Being in love, not dead, is grand
If I die what will you do?
Will you cry and cry,
And say she was a good person too,
Or will you sit and watch in the back
Showing that love is something you lack,
Or will you sit in the shadows with a breaking heart.
Not letting anyone know it is tearing you apart,
If I die what will you do?
The answer to this question I pursue. . .