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  1. READ???
    21st Dec 2010 15:51
    13 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  2. Girls don't realize. . .
    23rd Jul 2010 19:35
    14 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  3. Please judge this
    29th Jun 2010 18:07
    14 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  4. Read???
    21st Jun 2010 14:42
    14 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
  5. Poems I've written!
    1st Jun 2010 17:43
    14 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  6. Written By A Guy
    28th May 2010 17:34
    14 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  7. test your lips
    7th Apr 2010 19:00
    14 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
  8. MY PLANS 2 RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    25th Mar 2010 17:13
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
14 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
21st Jun 2010 14:42

Chapter 1:
I fell against a tree, crying. Something I was not permitted to do, but what else could I do. My chest wracked with sobs, and awaited a death that was never to come. Death was a privilege I had not earned, immortality was the curse I had gained. I blinked tears out of my eyes and looked up at the cloudy sky as dots of water fell on me. Typical weather for a sob story. I heard a rustling in the bushes and stood up, sprinting into the forest. I would run forever, I would endure this pain forever, I???d never stop. Never. I kept on running, even when my lungs felt as though they would shatter. Then, out of nowhere, a force hit me, knocking me down on impact. ???No!??? I screamed.
???Stop fighting Aleira!??? a males voice came, as I was forced up against a tree.
???Let me go! I want to die! I want to die!??? I said, screaming, my chest stinging and my voice becoming so high pitched it became barely audible.
???Death, isn???t it funny how far away it is for you and I???? he asked.
I glared at him. He used to be different, so very different. He was my friend, my closest friend.
* * *
???Come on! Just come in!??? he said to me, standing in the water..
???Torin. . . You know I don???t swim well,??? I said, knowing the uneasy look he must have been receiving.
???You???re. . .fifteen now! You have to learn how to swim!??? Torin demanded.
???There is no reason why a fifteen year old human girl should be forced to learn how to swim,??? I said, glancing sideways at the people next to us.
???Yeah, a fifteen year old human girl shouldn???t be forced to swim, but say you where immortal, wouldn???t you want to learn to swim???? he asked.
My eyes widened and I stared at him, ???Torin! We aren???t even supposed to like the water!??? I said angrily, getting a strange look from a girl who looked my age.
Torin noticed the girl and got a cover ready, ???You have to get over their drowning,??? he said, as though someone had really drowned.
I went along, and looked at the ground, noticing out of the corner of my eye, that the girls eyes has softened. ???Fine,??? I said, ???but I???m not coming in the deep end!??? I exclaimed.
???Just come in the deep end! You swim fine and I???m right here!??? he begged.
???Fine!??? I said angrily and jumped in. I sunk to the bottom, knowing I probably wasn???t getting back up without any help, but it was fine. I sat there, my lungs starting to scream for air, but Torin quickly came down and grabbed me by the hand, pulling me back up the surface.
???What? No, my hero???? he said.
???My hero, my eye,??? I replied, ???I didn???t want to come in here in the first place!???
???Awww, don???t be such a bad sport,??? he said.
???Let go of me,??? I said through gritted teeth, trying to escape from his arms.
???You???ll drown,??? he said in a matter-of-a-fact voice.
???I don???t care!??? I said, squirming harder.
???Nope. Not without a kiss,??? he said.
I turned my head quickly, sending a sea of wet hair into his face, and walking along the bottom until I could reach a shallower end of the pool.
* * *
I had always thought that we would end up together. I had always though we may have been forced to, thinking that we were the only kind of forgotten ones. ???Leave me alone Torin,??? I said, spitting in his face,
???No.??? he replied, smiling a little, ???I should make you suffer, suffer for eternity.???
???You can???t hold a grudge like this,??? I said, going against every fiber of my being that had kept me to holding a grudge against him.
???NO! You can???t cause a grudge like this!??? he yelled. Birds flew out of trees, and the forest seemed to jump, ???You know you can???t. Our lives are to long. Disrespect me and you do it for eternity,??? he whispered, a tear falling down his face.
I stared at him, not believing that I would now be forced to go through much pain. ???Torin! Don???t do this to me!??? I cried.
???It???s too late,??? he stated with a smirk, as he flung me to the ground.
???Please!??? I sobbed. He picked up his foot, setting the heavy boot on my chest and pressing down with a force no human could cause. I felt my bones break and heard them crack. Screaming, I tried to move to the side.
???You can???t get away!??? he yelled at me, picking me up by my foot and throwing me head first into an oak. He grabbed the front of my shirt, and forced me upward, my back being scarped raw by the rough bark of the tree.
???Please,??? I said, but even I couldn???t hear myself. Blood trickled down my back and mouth. I could taste it???s metallic flavor in the back of my throat and wanted to choke on it. Die. He slapped my face, causing my nose to bleed, then kicked my stomach. ???Stop,??? I managed to let out weakly, wondering if my voice would stay much longer.
???You want me to stop???? he asked, ???Kiss me,??? he demanded.
???I can???t,??? I choked out, finally realizing I was crying.
???That???s a shame,??? he said, as he pulled a knife out of nowhere and forced it up and behind my ribs.
???Torin. . .??? I whispered, then everything went dark.
* * *
???One day I will get you to kiss me, and you???ll want to,??? Torin said, laying lazily in the shade the forest.
???Ha ha. No,??? I replied, laughing a little. I mean, if my life depended on it, then sure I would kiss him, but for now he was my friend and my friend only.
???Your no fun, you know that,??? he said.
???N-n-n-n-no, don???t start with that,??? I said.
???With what???? he asked innocently, getting up and walking over to sit across from me.
???You know what I am talking about, you try and use that against me for everything,??? I said, getting in his face.
He put on a fake mad face, ???Kiss me,??? he said.
???No,??? I replied.
???Ahhh!??? he said, falling backwards into the grass and hitting his head on the root of a tree.
???That???s what happens when you mess with me,??? I said like a know it all.
???Come on! We can???t live forever,??? he said raising one eyebrow, and rubbing the back of his head.
???Your just being an idiot now,??? I said, pushing him back into the grass again.
???Awww!??? was all he said, as he moved to the side and laid in a patch of grass.
I crawled over and laid beside him, staring up at the white clouds, that hardly allowed the blue to show. ???Let???s kill ourselves, together,??? I said. Humans would of thought of us as crazy, but it was something normal to bring up in our conversations.
???Yeah, then we can see what the big fuss is about the other side,??? he said dreamily.
???And we won???t have to stay on this ball of dirt,??? I added, ???Even if it is a little bit pretty.???
???We will finally know what a end feels like, we won???t have to stand in the background and watch it happen to someone else,??? he kept going.
???We???ll say goodbye to our hundred years on earth and be done,??? I said.
???Well come on lets go,??? he said suddenly, jumping to his feet.
???Go what???? I asked, getting up slowly.
???Let???s go and kill ourselves!??? he replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the forest at a sprint.
???Where are we going???? I asked.
???To a new place I discovered!??? he yelled.
I heard a roaring, and it got louder with every step I took. We ran and ran towards the noise, until before I knew it I was in the air, plummeting towards earth with the water of a water fall. The rushing water forced me under, to where it was almost complete black. and sat there waiting for Torin. Oh he let me suffer first. He was always good at that. I sat under the water, the pressure almost crushing me, the odd fish making me jump a little at a time, and as usual my lungs wanting air inside of them. Finally in the darkness, Torin???s hand reached out and grabbed mine. I held onto it tight and resurfaced when he did. ???Well did you die???? I asked, ringing my hair out.
???Nope, how about you???? he asked taking his shirt off.
???No, so how did you know about this place???? I asked suspiciously.
???Just a little exploring,??? he replied, picking up an apple off the ground, and cutting it in half with his knife.
???In your dreams! I???m never not with you,??? I said, looking up to see an apple tree above.
???But that???s just it,??? he said, handing me a piece.
???What???s just it???? I asked, mildly confused.
???I saw it in my dream, I know it sounds strange, but I did,??? he said, acting as though I didn???t believe him.
???I believe you, I believe you,??? I said holding my hands up. ???It???s strange, but whatever, we better go back to the humans,??? I said with a sigh.
???Why do we call them that???? he asked, picking up his shirt.
???What, humans???? I asked.
???Yeah, I mean aren???t we humans too, we just have. . .immortality,??? he said, as though he wasn???t really there.
???We just do,??? I said simply, getting up and dragging him by his wrist back through the woods.
* * *
I opened my eyes, feeling rain hit me like bullets. I ached all over, and it felt like half of the bones in my body were broken. I used the tree to pull myself up. He did this to me. Torin did this to me and now I would get revenge. He would suffer. He would never die, just suffer, and I???d find a way to make him. I stood up, carefully shifting my weight as I walked, holding my arms out a little so I wouldn???t touch my shattered ribs. I knew I could do it though, death was a stranger and I would live no matter what. I kept walking until I heard the familiar roar of a water fall. I kept going and going, and when I came to the edge of it I walked off, not caring if I could ever come back up or not. Like the first time I had done this the water forced me to the bottom, almost taking away the pain. I laid down in the soft sand, the small rock forming to my body. All was quiet, all was peaceful. Fish of all sizes floated above me, some coming to investigate, others not caring I was there and letting their rough bellies scratch my bare arms and back. I didn???t care, something about it was reassuring. I lay there for what felt like hours, a few time losing myself, and expecting Torin to come and save me. I started to drift to sleep when hand came out of nowhere, grabbing mine, and I could feel an arm wrap around me. Me wanting to scream as someone???s chest pressed against my raw back. I felt cool air enter my lungs and noticed it was night. I shut my eyes as I was hauled to the shore of the waterfalls lake. ???Torin???? I asked in a whisper, as a hand glided over my face, pushing my hair out of it.
???Aleira!??? a voice exclaimed.
???Rule!??? I said, forcing myself up, but having no strength I fell back again.
* * *
Chapter 2:
School. I officially hated it. I was now in my sophomore year of high school, an it was now the first year Torin and I had different classes. They separated us, when we specifically asked to be put in the same classes. I walked down the hallway, knowing Torin was probably doing the same thing on the other side of the school, and went to my locker. All my major classes were at the beginning of the day and now I had to carry around three text books, three notebooks, a binder, and a folder for the first three periods of the day, which also happened to be right before my lunch period which was no the same as Torin???s. ???School,??? I muttered hatefully under my breath as I tried to get the stupid school lock to open. It didn???t want to cooperate with me though so I just hit the locker and turned around to lean against it.
???Need help???? a voice asked.
???Me? Oh no. I???m perfectly fine,??? I said, picking up my bag and getting ready to walk off. I didn???t socialize.
???Well I thought you couldn???t open you r locker, so I decided you needed help,??? a somber voiced guy said. He had shoulder length shaggy, dark (almost black) brown and, seemed to like the colors red and black.
??? I???ll just go to class and get in trouble for not having any supplies,??? I said with an unemotional mask on.
His cheek twitched a little, and he smiled slightly. ???What???s your combination???? he asked, moving forward to the locker.
???Eight, twenty-five, thirty-three,??? I said, stepping aside.
???Here,??? he said as the locker popped open.
???Thanks,??? I said quietly, taking my books out and shutting the locker. I began to walk away when he stopped me.
???No thank you???? he asked mockingly, not smiling but raising one eyebrow. ???The name???s Rule,??? he said.
I stared at him, wanting to seem intimidating, ???Thanks,??? I finally said, then walked off. My first class was literature, thank God. The slang of English may of changed a lot, but in the short few hundred years I had been alive, the rules never changed. I completed an essay on what I wanted to accomplish once I got out of high school, my hand twitching as I wanted to write down what some might consider suicidal thoughts, but I knew that would get me a one way ticket to our counselor, who seemed way too happy to not be on crack. Finally after an hour of pure torture my literature class ended, and my algebra two class started. Algebra was always horrible. Not as bad as geometry which I had taken the year before, but bad. After taking notes on utter nonsense I got to my chemistry class. This was something that was in my area, because being in a world for. . .well. . .longer than most, you get used to all the science stuff that your told. Unfortunately all we were doing was taking notes on what we would be doing until finals. I took a seat at the front of the class and wrote down everything needed, until the bell finally rang and it came time for lunch. One of the perks of being immortal, and something Torin and I would joke about when we actually had lunch together was the fact that there was no need to eat. It also made sure I was very skinny, even called anorexic a few times during the year. Sure anorexia is nothing good, but it gave me a sense of accomplishment that no other girl could have without dying. I would trade that in a heartbeat though. I sat down on a bench by myself, not having ever wanted to make friends in the long years I had been in high school, and pulled out a book my fake human mother had provided for me.
???Your not going to eat???? a voice came.
???Torin???? I asked, looking up from my book, ???Oh, it???s you,??? I said, seeing Rule. I quickly busied myself in my book again.
???You know not eating is bad for you,??? he said, sitting next to me.
???I don???t like food and it isn???t bad for you if you know-??? I stopped, knowing I came close to giving away my secret.
???If you know what, hmm? He questioned.
???Would you leave me alone???? I asked calmly.
He ignored my question and went on talking, ???You know you never told me your name,??? he said, tilting his head.
???Stalker,??? I muttered, and kept staring at my book trying to make sense of the words that went through one ear and out the other.
???Well someone is mean,: he said, let me just assume you have something in your bag that has you name on it,??? he said, grabbing my backpack.
???Give it back.??? I said, standing up.
???What? Do you have weed or something, you know that is bad for you too,??? he said.
???Give it back,??? I said, a little more sternly this time.
???Make me,??? he replied.
I reached out to try and grab it, but he turned around at the last second, so I grabbed his other arm and twisted him behind me, elbowing him in the gut, then knocking him to the ground with my leg. I picked up my backpack, put it on, then sat back down to read my book. ???Idiots,??? I said quietly to myself.
???Your good,??? Rule said, getting up and sitting down next to me again. I looked him in the eye and for a split second the black pupil in the middle turned catlike. I blinked. ???Your different, aren???t you? I can see it in the way you move, the way you talk,??? he said, now becoming serious.
???If your trying to make a move it???s not working and I don???t care or know what you are talking about,??? I stated.
???Yes you do,??? he said, ???We???ll have to talk later, but I know you are.???
???No I???m not, unless you just mean I am a freak who doesn???t talk to anyone,??? I said, my breath becoming a little faster.
???So where is your boyfriend???? he asked.
???Boyfriend???? I said, laughing a little. ???If you are talking about Torin he isn???t my boyfriend.???
???Well everyone thinks your going out or something, your never without him,??? he said, slouching against the back of the bench.
???Well I have reasons for always being with him, but no we are not going out,??? I said a little angrily.
???God, remind me never to make you mad,??? he said raising his hands up in mock terror.
???You already did and I kicked your butt,??? I said, somehow letting him think I was superior to him, and I was.
He sighed, ???Can I talk to you after school???? he asked, sitting up straight.
I hesitated, ???No. I have to meet Torin,??? I said, putting a blank face back on.
???Well is there any time at all that I can talk to you alone???? he begged.
???Maybe,??? I said, thinking there was no way Torin was letting me out of his sight.
???Alright, I guess I???ll just sit here, while you read your book,??? he said, making himself comfortable once more.
???There is no need for that, go hang out with your idiot friends,??? I said, eyeing him warily.
???New school, no idiot friends,??? he said, ???Yet.???
???My name is Aleira,??? I said, so quietly only he could hear me.
* * *
???Rule???? I whispered, remembering the familiar faces name.
???Aleira, Aleira it???s okay,??? he sai, tears streaming iff his face, burning my skin.
???I know it is, I can???t die,??? I said.
???But-but your suffering, that???s worse than death,??? he said.
???Get out of here before Torin finds you,??? I pleaded.
???No, he???ll suffer now,??? he said determinedly, his pupils becoming slits.
???Rule!??? I said as loud as I could make myself, ???Please, stay with me,??? I said quietly, trying to make him stay. He might hurt Torin, and himself.
???Okay,??? he whispered, raising me up so my head rested on his shoulder, ???I???m going to turn you onto your stomach, I have to do something about your back.???
???Yeah, okay,??? I said, too weak to fight back. He turned me over and I moaned as I felt my ribs press into my lungs, ???Rule, my ribs are broken too,??? I said, moaning and crying, wanting to scream.
???That-??? he started of, but I shrieked, as I knew my one of my ribs punctured a lung. ???Aleira!??? he shouted.
???It???s okay, just fix my back,??? I said, trying not to cough as I could feel blood coming up my throat.
???Aleira. . .??? he sobbed.
* * *
???Torin! I can???t, my ???mom??? wants me to go shopping with her on Friday. I promise I will visit you when it gets back, as soon as it becomes dark I???ll sneak out to see you,??? I said. I was trying to convince Torin to leave me be so I could talk to rule.
He sighed, but gave in, ???Fine, but I still don???t see why I can???t come to the store with you,??? he whined.
???Girl stuff, that???s why,??? I said.
He looked at me incredulously, ???You???re the biggest tomboy I know Aleira!??? he said.
???I???m like the only person you know!??? I said.
???True, true, but still,??? he said, eyeing me suspiciously, ???Fine, I???ll see you tonight.???
???Alright,??? I said, ???Bye.???
???Bye,??? he told me as he started walking to the buses.
I turned round to look for Rule, but found him striding towards me. ???So are you coming???? he asked.
???Yeah, lets stop at burger king on the way, I want a shake,??? I said.
???I thought you didn???t eat???? he asked.
???That???s not eating that is drinking,??? I said, wanting badly to spit my tongue out at him. We walked into town, not talking until after I purchased my shake.
???So, like I said, your different,??? he said after a while of silence.
???Like I said, I don???t know what you mean,??? I told him.
???Yes you do, please trust me, I???m like you in a way, I know I am,??? he said, looking like a dog who desperately wanted a home.
???What do you mean. with the your like me???? I asked, ???How are you in any way like me????
???Well, I change, morph sort of,??? he said.
???Well what do you mean by that???? I asked, taking another sip of my shake.
???I change shape like a. . .??? he began but trailed off.
???Shape shifter???? I suggested.
???Yeah, exactly, but I can only change to one form,??? he said.
???What form is that???? I asked.
???Well. . .a dragon,??? he said a little shyly.
???A dragon? I don???t believe you,??? I told him.
???Well, I do and how are you different Ms. high and mighty???? he asked.
???I???m not different, I told you that!??? I said, taking larger gulps of my shake, giving myself major brain freeze.
???I told you! Just tell me!??? he said.
I shut my eyes a split second longer than normal, then opened them, ???I am immortal,??? I said, waiting for the outburst of, ???YOU ARE????
???I don???t believe you,??? he said, staring at me with a tilted head.
I glared at him, ???I am,??? I said.
???I still don???t believe you,??? he stated.
???Need proof???? I asked, ???Fine!??? I dropped my shake and ran. For being alive so long Torin and I had developed strength like no humans, so I could sprint faster than anyone I knew. I kept running towards the forest and looked behind me to see where Rule was, but finding him right beside me. I let out an angry breath and sped up, but Rule kept up as though he was hovering inches from the ground. Finally I reached the forest and Rule was beginning to tire, I could see it in his eyes. I kept running, stopping when I reached the waterfall Torin had brought me to.
???How is this proof???? Rule asked, staring at the water below.
???Here???s how,??? I said, beginning to climb down the driest part of the cliff the water was falling down.
???What are you doing???? Rule asked, looking at me like I was crazy.
???Well come and help me show you, try to help me up,??? I said, raising a hand.
???Sure! But I don???t see how this is supposed to help me see-??? he started, but I pulled him off the cliff edge, leaving him clinging to a branch a little above me.
???Let me go,??? I said.
???No! The I???ll fall!??? he yelled at me.
I looked at the way we were positioned. His left foot was near a rock I was clinging to with my right hand. If I moved my hand his foot would fall, and the branch wasn???t going to support his whole body weight, so I couldn???t let go, but if he moved I could. ???Move down a little, find a better foot spot,??? I said over the roar of the water.
???No!??? he yelled.
???What???? I screamed, how could he do that? ???You know what? Let go of me, I can???t die,??? I said.
He stopped and looked at me, ???Let go of me, I can fly,??? he said.
I stared at him for a minute then nodded. ???One three!??? I yelled, ???One. . .two. . .three!??? I shouted. We both let go and as I fell I watched him. It was as though I was looking through a sheet of unevenly surfaced glass or water, but he changed his form, becoming a red dragon. He hovered in mid-air and then turned around to see me just in time go under. I sank to the bottom, somewhat differently than I had before. This time it was lighter and I couldn???t feel as much of the pressure beating down on me. I sat there, and slowly realized, unless Rule came to get me, I was stuck here for a while, at least that is if Torin figured out I was under here or if Rule told someone. After a minute I could my eyes became adjusted to the darkness there was and I examined the fish a little more closely, then a giant figure came towards me, grabbing me by my shirt and pulled me upwards. I came above the water and there was Rule. . .in dragon form. . .slithering across the water. I examined as he used his tail like a rudder. We reached the bank and he shifted back into human form, staring me down as if to say ???I told you so???. ???Okay so you???re a dragon, my bad,??? I said, getting up.
???And your immortal, I guess that is my bad,??? he said.
* * *
Chapter 3:
???Rule!??? I tried to scream, as he bandaged up my chest.
???Aleira, I???m sorry, just a little bit longer,??? he said, pulling gauze underneath me gently.
???It just hurts,??? I said weakly as he finished wrapping the gauze
???I know, Aleira, I know,??? he said, sitting against a tree and resting my head on his lap. I began crying, as he used his fingers to wipe away each of the tears.
???I???m sorry,??? I sobbed wishing this had never happened.
???It???s okay,??? Rule said, staring at the sky as it began to get dark.
???No, I dragged you into this, how could I do this, I caused this,??? I whispered.
???No, Aleira, this is Torin???s fault, not yours,??? he whispered back.
???No. He loved me, if I would of loved him back. . .??? I said.
???No, you didn???t have to love him back, you cared for him, not love him,??? Rule said, ???And I will get that dirty, little-???
???Rule. Please. Yes, I cared for him, and I still do, please don???t,??? I cried, thinking of Torin for the hundredth time in the past hour.
???I???m sorry, but if he really cared. . .if he really loved you, he wouldn???t do that,??? Rule said.
???Stop it Rule. Your hurting me. You know the only reason he did hurt me was because he cares!??? I said, trying to get up.
???Aleira! Stop it!??? Rule said angrily, pushing me back down.
???No, stop! I can???t die! I don???t care!??? I said, pulling myself up.
???Stop!??? he said, grabbing my arms and pinning them to the ground, ???You need to get over him,??? he hissed.
???no! No,??? I sobbed. I wasn???t going to listen to him, Torin loved me, even if I didn???t love him back I still cared.
???Aleira, please stop???? Torin whispered in my ear.
???I just can???t,??? I said.
???You can,??? he whispered.
???How???? I said quietly, there is no way. He???s my best friend,??? I whispered back
???Because I am here,??? he said, ???Can that be enough???? he asked.
???I don???t know. . .??? I whispered to him.
???Please???? he asked, his face coming closer to mine.
I stared at him, ???I-I-???
* * *
???Yeah, you???re a dragon, so what???? I said, starting to walk away.
???Yeah, I???m a dragon, and your well. . .you can???t die,??? he said, shaking water out of his hair.
???Yeah, people who know about it call me immortal,??? I said.
???Like a god???? he asked.
???No. Like an immortal person. I mean, I can still get hurt and stuff, and even when I do, I heal faster than most,??? I said, shaking my head a little to get the water out of my ears.
???I wonder if I am immortal,??? Rule said, looking up.
???Have you ever tried to die???? I asked.
???No, maybe I should try,??? he said, pondering the thought.
???No!??? I said quickly.
???Why???? he asked, looking confused.
???Only Torin and I can do that,??? I said quickly, ???And say you aren???t immortal, then you will die.???
???Yeah, I guess your right,??? he said, a little gloomily.
???So I have healing, strength, and some other stuff I suspect comes with immortality, what about you???? I asked.
???I don???t know, umm. . .well, I guess I have powers,??? he said, quietly. He didn???t seem to smile much, and I wondered, but I never smiled back either.
???Powers???? I asked.
???Yeah, powers, like. . .magic,??? he said.
???Magic? Like pulling a rabbit out of a hat???? I said.
???Well, I???m not sure. Just at certain times when I need it, it comes,??? he said.
???I guess that makes sense,??? I said, then realized the sun was going down, ???I have to leave,??? I said.
???Yeah, sure. You know, could we talk about this again sometime???? he asked.
???I really don???t know if that would be a good idea,??? I said, he gave a quick nod, and I over thought, ???but if I can I will tell you,??? added.
???Yeah, thanks. See you at school,??? he said, turning around to walk away.
I wondered if he???d get lost, but I remembered he could fly and just see from there. I began running, my clothes drying as I did so, and got home where my ???parents??? told me to eat something and then take a shower. I did after much arguing, then crept out my window to go see Torin who was sitting in the park down the street. ???hey,??? I said.
???Hey, have a good time shopping???? he asked, as I sat down.
???Oh, yeah,??? I said, now feeling very guilty for lying to him.
???Look at the stars,??? he said, grabbing my hand.
???They are pretty,??? I said, a little uncomfortably.
???They???re so much like us,??? he added.
???Yeah? How???? I asked him.
???They have been the same for years and years and they will continue to be that way for more, just like us,??? he informed me, squeezing my hand.
I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Why was I like his? It was Rule???s fault, not mine. ???Yeah,??? I said, hesitantly.
???Do you think we???ll ever die???? he asked.
???Someday,??? I said, keeping my eyes on the sky, knowing that he was looking at me. My life was too much of a fairytale. There was a perfect guy and forever lasting love, but that was it. Perfect. I hated it, I didn???t want it to be that way, but it was.
* * *
He was so close to my face, so close. ???I don???t want to be here,??? I said turning away, trying to stand up.
???Aleira, you need to stop,??? Rule said.
???No! I don???t want to be here! I want to die! I want to die!??? I screamed, still trying to get up. The pain in my back was unbearable, and I felt the scratches break open, and my ribs moving around placeless inside me, then blood started coming from my back. I screamed as I got up, but I did.
???Stop it, Aleira!??? Rule shouted at me.
???No!??? I yelled back. He couldn???t stop me. I would try whatever it took to kill myself, to rid the world of this contamination.
???Aleira!??? Rule said, pinning me up against the tree.
???Rule! Leave me alone!??? I said, trying to break free, but I was too weak.
???Please Aleira???? he asked.
???No, I can???t!??? I yelled.
???Stop it! Stop!??? he said, and then I suddenly felt drowsy, and fell over, not sure if Rule or the ground had caught me.
* * *
Chapter 4:
I got to school and parted with Torin. Onto my chemistry class, which what I believed was full of morons. I decided that before the bell rang I???d sit and read a little bit outside, maybe seeing if Rule could find me or not. I pulled out ???Greek Mythology??? by Edith Hamilton and sat down at a empty table. I wasn???t even through two pages when some guys came over to antagonize me.
???So, you broke up with your boyfriend, didn???t you???? the first one asked, a tall guy with dark hair and eyes.
???He isn???t my boyfriend,??? I said quietly.
???Your just a little afraid to admit you might like someone,??? the first guy???s friend said, sitting next to me.
???Leave me be,??? I said.
???Didn???t you here that? The guys sitting next to me said, ???She wants you to leave her be.???
???Yeah, okay,??? said the dark haired guy, and turned to walk away with a grin.
???So, what???re you doing tonight???? the guy asked, taking an interest in walking his fingers up and down my leg.
I grabbed his hand, and moved it back towards him calmly, then continued reading my book.
???You could, come over to my place, and we could. . .talk,??? he said, sneaking his hand around my waist, going farther down my back each second.
I grabbed his arm and twisted it a little before shoving it back at him. He was too ???man??? to say anything though.
???Come on, don???t be this way,??? he said, smiling.
???In case you didn???t notice, I am what you may consider a ???nice??? girl,??? I said, glaring at him.
???The only difference between nice girls and bad girls is bad girls help,??? he said, resting his hand on the inner part of my thigh.
???Leave her alone,??? said Rule walking over, but the guy just smirked and laughed to himself a little. Rule stared straight at the guy, and his eyes flickered into slits. ???Leave her alone,??? he said.
I looked at the guy next to me, whose eyes now seemed glazed over, and his movements slurred. ???Yeah, okay,??? he said, and got up, staggering away.
???Thanks,??? I said, staring back down at my book.
???Welcome, those guys are creeps,??? he said.
???I think I understood that,??? I stated, then continued to read my book.
???So, did you think about. . .talking???? Rule asked.
???Listen, if your asking me out I can???t. I won???t. It???s too much of a pain if one can live forever and another can???t. That???s why I have top stay with Torin,??? I said.
???Torin is the guy you hang out with???? he asked.
???Yeah,??? I said.
???Is he the same as you. I know he is different too, but does he have a different. . .power than you???? he asked.
???He???s immortal too. He plans to live forever with me. . .??? I said, putting my head down a little.
???You don???t want to live forever with him???? Rule asked.
???I do,??? I said, then without thinking, I said, ???I want him to be my friend forever.???
???Friend forever???? he asked.
???That???s not what I mean,??? I said quickly.
???Friend though? I mean, what if you could live forever with another person???? he asked cautiously.
I looked at him. He knew what he was doing, he was treating the situation like a wounded animal. Walking around it, not too close to it, but occasionally coming a bit over the line. I thought about the truth and said, ???Depends on who that someone is. I have to get to class.???
???Okay,??? Rule said, as I got up and walked away.
I sighed. My heart was racing. I was just excited that there was another. . .someone forgotten out there.
* * *
I opened my eyes and looked around, but everything was hazy and dark. ???Rule???? I asked, trying to get up, but my ribs were still a little sore, my back healed, but most likely scarred. ???Rule???? I repeated, my eyes coming into focus. There was a something like a canopy over me. I looked to the side to see Rule laying there, wings outstretched over me, but still looking like a human. A dark angel. He blinked his eyes open as if the sun was up in the darkness that surrounded us.
???Your awake,??? he said.
???Why was I asleep,??? I asked, still laying on the ground.
???Powers,??? he said.
???Yeah, I said, rubbing my red eyes.
???You okay???? he asked.
???Yeah, I???m sorry,??? I said.
???No, it???s fine. My fault, not yours,??? I told him.
???No, I just can???t. . .??? he started.
???Can???t what???? I asked, staring at him, ???Rule.???
???I can???t not. . .well. . .stay away from you. Aleira, you love me,??? he finally said.
* * *
???Aleira!??? Torin said, calling my name.
???Yeah???? I asked as he came running towards my lawn.
???What are we going to do today???? he asked.
???Walk. Lets go to the mall and walk,??? I said, wanting to take my mind away from everything.
???Okay,??? he said, as we started towards the mall, in silence, ???What???s the matter???? he asked.
I smiled and turned towards him, ???What???s not the matter? Just not wanting to be here,??? I said, looking up at the cloudy sky.
???Are you sure???? he asked, taking my hand in his.
I almost jerked it back my hand, but held it there, ???Yeah,??? I said lazily.
???Where do you want to look first???? he asked, as we walked inside the mall.
???I don???t know, did we want to eat???? I asked.
???We can,??? he said.
???Yeah,. Yeah I think that is what I want to do,??? I said, staring at the ground. We walked in the store, Torin frowning at me. We had to walk to the other side of the store to get to the food court. I felt a chill go at my spine and looked up, Torin still leading me through the crowd, and I saw Rule in front of Hot Topic. He started walking over and widened my eyes and shook my head. He just cocked his head to the side and stared at me, then turned around and walked back. I sighed and let out breath of relief, turning around to see if Torin had seen, and fortunately he didn???t. We walked to the food court and ate Panda Express, when I figured I should go look for Rule, but couldn???t think of an excuse. ???Hey, Torin, can I meet up with you later???? I asked.
???Are you sure nothing is wrong???? he asked.
???Yeah, I just want to over think school, it really is beginning to get to me,??? I said, hoping he would listen.
???I can talk to you about it if you need someone to listen,??? he said.
???No, I just want to think alone,??? I said a little angrily.
???Okay. I???ll just meet you later,??? he said, putting on a completely straight face.
???Alright,??? I said, as he walked away, disappearing in the crowd, which was now beginning to suffocate me, ???I made him mad,??? I said, looking for a store to slip into. ???No,??? I told myself. I needed to find Rule. I walked back to Hot Topic quickly, but didn???t see him there, so just went inside. I was looking at bracelets when I felt someone watching me and turned around to see him standing there.
???So friends forever???? he asked.
???Well, he is. . .eccentric,??? I said not smiling, hiding what my eyes might betray.
???I guess,??? he said, and came to stand beside me, picking up a heavy, studded leather bracelet.
???Would you stop???? I asked, looking at him and not moving a muscle in my face.
???Stop what???? he asked, his eyebrow coming up.
???I am my own person. I don???t need anyone interrogating me, and thinking they can control my life,??? I said angrily.
He stood there then said, ???I???m sorry, I guess it doesn???t feel good when you know it will never end.???
???No not really, I???m going home, I just came to say sorry,??? I said, turning around to leave.
???Why not stay???? he asked.
???Why stay???? I said, answering the question with a question.
???Well, we could walk around. Talk???? he suggested.
???Torin wouldn???t like that,??? I said.
???Torin???s not here,??? he said.
???That doesn???t sound right,??? I said.
???Are you chained to him or not???? he asked.
???No. Don???t ever think that.??? I said, glaring at him.
???Then come on,??? he said.
???Fine,??? I told him, as I followed him out of the store.
???Did you want to walk outside???? he asked, stopping.
???Yeah,??? I said, walking ahead of him to the outside portion of the mall. The clouds which had left in the morning were back. I stared at the tile, playing over it???s pattern in my mind, so that Rule???s staring wouldn???t freak me out. ???One, three, one three,??? I started saying in my head.
???Why are you the way you are???? Rule asked.
???I don???t understand what you mean,??? I said, keeping my gaze on the ground.
???Well, you don???t talk, like you don???t care enough to live,??? he said. I looked up at him.
???Whose to say I do?,??? I asked, turning back to the ground.
???Sorry,??? he said, ???So ever ridden on a dragon???? he asked.
???Not so far as I have know. I didn???t know they existed until I met you,??? I said.
???Let???s go,??? he said, looking past me.
???What???? I asked, turning around to see the two guys who were messing with me at school. ???Yeah.??? I said, following him around them.
???Found a new boyfriend???? the one who had put his hand on my leg asked.
???Yeah???? his lackey asked.
???Just keep walking,??? Rule said.
???Hey! Why are you leaving???? the lackey asked.
I stopped and turned to look at them, ???They???re drunk,??? I told Rule.
???No they aren???t,??? Rule said with a grimace.
???Yeah they are, look at them,??? I said, watching them stagger their way towards us.
???You may be right,??? he admitted.
???I am,??? I said. The guys, noticing we stopped, started walking faster towards us, and I stood there.
???Let???s go,??? Rule said, grabbing my arm.
???I know,??? I said, and turned around to follow him yet again. We walked out to the parking lot and headed behind the mall. We stopped in the malls alley, thinking we had lost them. I leaned against the wall and sighed, ???I am the way I am because I feel trapped,??? I said, ???There???s no way out, it???s a glass box that I can???t break, and I???m just. . . trapped.???
???I can???t tell you not to feel that way, but isn???t there an escape. You can do anything you want, but you still feel trapped,??? Rule asked, standing in front of me, holding himself up by putting his hand on the wall behind my shoulder.
???I have though, I???ve fallen from thousands of feet, dived deeper than any human, lived a normal and abnormal life. I???ve done it all,??? I said, feeling as though I had given up something.
???All???? Rule asked, very close to me, but I didn???t mind.
???I don???t know-??? I started, but the roar of an engine stopped me. I turned to see the two drunks driving our way and wanted to run, but there was no where to go.
???They can???t do anything, they???ll get arrested,??? Rule said.
???They???re drunk, they don???t know what they???re doing, especially since they aren???t adults I said, and they came my way. I screamed as the car went to hit me, not sure why I did knowing I couldn???t die. I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain but there was none. I opened my eyes to see Rule. . .in dragon form. ???Rule!??? I said. I looked at the two driving, seeing them wide-eyed and in shock, and then did the only sensible thing I could think of. Got on Rule???s back. I saw his muscles strain to raise his wings, and felt a surge of air as he powerfully brought us up. My converse and jeans didn???t protect me from his scales, and they scraped my thighs and legs. We flew, over the forest, deeper than I thought I???d ever gone, and then he dropped. We reached the ground with a rough landing and I fell off as he changed back into form tiredly as we neared the ground. I got u and rushed over to Rule who was lying on the ground breathing hardly. ???Rule!??? I said.
???Didn???t know how hard it would be to carry someone,??? he said, gasping for more air.
???I???m sorry,??? I said, as he started to stand up.
???No, no it???s fine,??? he said.
???No, that could of hit me, I can???t die, you know that,??? I said, but he just fell back to his knees, ???Rule?!??? I said, getting on mine. I bent down lifting his head, which he had hung down. He wrapped an hand around my wrist and pulled me closer to him.
???You???ve never kissed a dragon,??? he said, in a monotone voice.
He put his lips to mine and I leaned towards him, resting my hands on the back of his head. I put everything in the kiss, tears, anger, pain, eternity, happiness, sorrow, and he took it, kissing me with aggression but a sweet passion too. It was like all we had ever wanted to find was someone to share our thoughts. I leaned forward as he fell back on the ground, pulling me on top of him. I pulled back to breath and stared at him, a tear running down my cheek and dropping on his. ???Eternity,??? I said.
???I knew you were different,??? was all he said, then we kissed again.
* * *
Chapter 5:
???I don???t believe you,??? I said.
???You do, please believe, please,??? Rule begged.
I searched my mind through every thoughts, everything, but I couldn???t find anything. ???Rule, I really don???t know,??? I said, a little sadly.
???Please???? he asked.
???Torin said I loved him, and he hurt me, what if you were to do the same. I can???t risk that again,??? I said.
???I know Torin hurt you, he just wanted advantage of you, he wanted your love. I don???t want it, I need it Aleira,??? he said.
???I-I just don???t know,??? I said, trying desperately to know if I loved him. I looked over at him, but had to turn away, seeing tears streaming down his face.
* * *
I laid on the ground now in Rules arms, his fingers brushing through my hair. ???Torin,??? I said.
???What about him???? Rule asked.
???I have to get back to him,??? I said, getting up.
???He doesn???t have a hold on you, Aleira. You???re your own person,??? he said, getting up after me.
???He thinks we are one, and I really don???t know,??? I said.
???Just stay???? he asked.
???I really can???t, I???ll see you at school,??? I said, leaving sadly. I rushed back to my house and waited for Torin???s usual show up at my window, while reading on my bed.. After a while of nervous waiting his head popped up at the window.
???Hey,??? he said, smiling.
???Hey Torrin,??? I said, giving a small smile.
???Did you have a good think???? he asked, sitting at my desk.
???Yeah,??? I said, not looking up from my book.
???Somethings wrong,??? he said.
I looked up, ???I just met someone today, well more like saw and then passed a word,??? I told him, feeling guilty that I couldn???t give him the truth.
???Who???? Torin asked, becoming curiously serious.
???A guy named Rule, you probably don???t know him,??? I said.
???Rule. . .what a strange name,??? he stated, ???No, I don???t know him, but I do see him sometimes. He was in one of our classes last year, remember????
I shook my head, ???No.???
???Well, I see him around,??? he said, ???He does seem strange. Like he is quiet and needs to stay that way so he won???t say the wrong thing, and he hides behind his hair.???
???Torin, he is not strange, and I do that stuff. I mean, I have a secret that I don???t want to tell anyone, and in order to do that I stay quiet and hide behind my hair,??? I said, ???He???s not that bad a guy anyways.???
???So you know him on personal terms now???? Torin asked angrily.
???No, well, yes if you consider the fact that I knw more about him than you,??? I said.
???Does it matter???? he asked.
???Yeah, I???m going to sleep,??? I said, pulling a blanket over my head and lying on my side so he couldn???t see me.
???Did you want me to stay???? he asked, his voice softening some.
???No, I can get through the night on my own. I am my own person and don???t need anyone to hold my hand through life,??? I said, irritated.
???Fine,??? I heard Torin mumble, as he crawled back out my window.
I lied there all night, not sleeping, not dreaming. I could only think about how angry Torin was at me, and the feeling I had when Rule kissed me. Thoughts floated through my head ll night, as I though about the past and now the present, until finally morning came. I got up and got ready for school, then started walking early, avoiding Torin. I got to school and was headed for homeroom. Finally after three periods of being bored out of my wits, luch came. I went to my regular spot, where Rule found me and asked me to walk with him.
???You get home to Torin???? he asked.
???Yeah, and I told him I saw you,??? I said, looking up at him. His eyes widened a bit, ???I told him I saw you and nothing more.???
???Oh,??? he said, lowering his head some.
???It???s not, like I can keep you hidden forever,??? I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.
???I know,??? he said, pulling me into a opening in the side of a school building. I was pressed up against him and kissed him, but pulled away just in time to see Torin walking through the crowd, a hall pass in his hand.
???Torin,??? I whispered, as Rule saw him too. He stepped out of the opening and stood in front of me, hiding me from the crowds view, and Torins. Torin came closer, and I put my arms around Rule???s neck and buried my face in his shirt, hoping Torin would just pass me by, thinking I was another girl. I waited and when Torin was out of sight pulled my head back. ???Thanks,??? I said quietly.
???Welcome,??? Rule said.
We started walking agin, when I realized something, ???You know those two guys aren???t here,??? I told Rule.
???Maybe they learned their lesson,??? he said, with a slight smile.
???Maybe you scared them,??? I added.
???I don???t think so, people would think them insane,??? he stated.
We walked over to a bench and sat down, ???So what do you eat???? I asked, ???That sounds weird, I mean, like-???
???I know what you mean. I eat human food, but every time I change I have to have some of the forms food, so if I change into a dragon in the morning I have to find meat during the day or else I get really weak and all,??? he said.
???Raw???? I asked.
???Yeah, for the most part. It???s fresher that way,??? he informed me.
???Sounds gross,??? I said.
???Would you like to eat fresh carrots or frozen carrots???? he asked.
???I don???t like carrots,??? I told him.
???Still, you know what I mean,??? he shot back.
???Yeah, I know. I???m not judging you,??? I said.
???I know, I was just going with the conversation,??? he said.
???I am rebellious and stubborn, I start the argument, you go along with,??? I said, smiling.
???Sounds like we are the perfect match,??? he said, grabbing my hand and kissing my fingertip.
???Opposites attract,??? I said as the bell rang.
School finally ended and I met Torin to walk home. ???Hey, you weren???t at your usual spot today,??? he said.
???I had to go to the library and I saw Rule on the way and talked for a minute,??? I sid.
???If you think this Rule guy likes you, better think again. I saw him and some girl making out today, I???m assuming she was his girlfriend,??? he said with a smirk.
???I wouldn???t consider her his girlfriend,??? I muttered angrily.
???What???? Torin asked.
???Nothing,??? I said quickly, knowing I had crossed a line.
???No! That was you! Why didn???t you tell me this???? he asked loudly.
???Because I couldn???t!??? I said quietly.
???How could you???? he asked, looking hurt, then his expression changed and he seemed furious, ???How could you???? he repeated angrily, then grabbed my wrist, squeezing it so hard that it hurt.
???I can???t-??? I said, getting out of his grip, then sprinted as fast as I could, not caring if I was getting strange looks from how fast I was going. I ran until I got home, then shut myself in my room. I put my head in a pillow, and tried to suffocate myself, but it didn???t work. I cried not caring about the world. Eventually my dad came and asked if I wanted dinner, but I said no. I eventually wiped my eyes off and picked up my remote, turning on my tv. I flipped thorugh channels finding nothing good on, so I settled for the news. I sat unconsciously watching a story about a car crash, but snapped back when a news update came up.
???Military has arrested this boy!??? the woman on the screen said. I looked up to see Rule???s face and name. ???The young boy was reported to be an abnormal shape shifter by two other teens of his age, eho claimed that he tried to crash there car. Police believed these suspects to be over exaggerating, but in only a day of monitoring, saw that these two were telling the truth. Footage was caught on tape of a transformation. Watch as it seems in the blink of an eye the boy develops wings. . .???
???RULE!??? I screamed, and heard footsteps headed towards my room. I got up and ran to my door, locking it.
???Are you okay???? my mom???s voice came through the door.
???Yeah!??? I yelled, struggling to open my window. I finally got it undone and ran to Torin???s house. He was home alon and sitting in his living room also watching the news, ???Torin!??? I said, opening the door.
He sat there, watching as they forced Rule to the ground, his eyes flashing and his fprm wavering. ???So that is why you like him???? he asked, ???he???s a forgotten one.???
???Torin! Please we have to help him,??? I begged.
???Why, so he can take you away from me???? he asked.
???No, because what if he isn???t immortal like us???? I asked.
???Then he???ll die and I won???t have to worry about him anymore,??? Torin said, turning back to the tv.
???Torin!??? I yelled, stepping in front of the tv.
???No Aleira! I???m not helping get that-??? he stopped and grabbed me, slapping me across the face.
I stared at him. He had never done that before, but I had never cared for anyone else before. ???Torin. . .??? I said, my eyes tearing up, and blood coming out of the corner of my mouth. ???Fine!??? I yelled, ???I can save him myself!??? I screamed. I ran out of the house, running towards the only place, that Rule would be. The arena. That???s where they seemed to be heading on the TV. I ran towards the arena, flinching as I heard my first sign that Rule was there. A deafening cry. I got to the entrance, but there were police there. The only other thing I could think of was there had to be an underground entrance that would lead up to the stage, usually there was with theaters. I walked around the perimeter, not finding anything, and trying to show Rule I would come and save him. Finally I found an unlocked door and stepped inside to find what looked like cellar doors. I tried to open the door, but there was a lock on it, so I took the nearest object and banged it. It helped being unnaturally physically fit, and the lock broke, seeming very brittle. I stepped inside the hall, and covered my mouth so I wouldn???t breath in the dust falling from above, being shaken off by Rule???s rampage. After a minute it got dark, but I kept going until I noticed a shaft of light. Since there seemed to be no end to the hall, I stood on my toes and pressed up, loosening the wood. Finally after a jumping to press up on it, it came off. I hopped up to the edge and pulled myself up, seeing I was somewhere hidden on the backstage, what looked like a supply closet. I opened the door, not caring to see if there was anyone around and was seen by three guards.
???Hey!??? one of them yelled.
I took one look at them, and started sprinting, hoping that I could find the front of the stage in time. After a while of running I could see the empty room that centered the arena. I ran for it, and jumped off the stage, seeing Rule, being forced down by heavy chains, not able to shift form without being crushed. ???RULE!??? I yelled.
???ALEIRA!??? he shouted, trying to break out of the binds that held him. He started slipping out as I came near him.
???Her!??? I heard a guard yell, then, ???He???s going to escape!???
I turned to see a man with a gun pointing at Rule, who now had both arms free. ???RULE!??? I screamed, coming closer. I reached him in time to hear the bullet, and then everything seemed to go in slow motion. I could see the bullet speeding towards me, and felt as it shattered my sternum, sending shards of bone into my shoulder and neck.
???ALEIRA!??? I heard Rule shout, but as the guards neared I looked at him and he got up and ran.
???Get her help!??? was the last thing I heard.
* * *
???Aleira. . .don???t you remember anything from before the hospital???? Rule asked, his eyes red and bloodshot.
???No, really, I can???t. All I remember is Torin. I didn???t even know who you were until I saw you,??? I said.
???Try, please???? he asked.
I shut my eyes, trying to think. There was something with Rule, and Torin. That was all I could remember, but even then, it probably was just what I had been told. I thought over everything, and couldn???t find anything. ???I???m so sorry, I really d-don???t,??? I said.
???Aleira happened in the hospital.???
???I-I can???t exactly,??? he said walking over to me. He picked up my hand and put in between his. At a time I felt as though I would pull it back, but it felt as though it was supposed to be that way, ???Tell me what remember,??? I said, thinking back.
???Please???? he asked again.
???Alright,??? I said, letting out a big breath of air, and shutting my eyes.
* * *
Chapter 6:
I opened my eyes. Where was I? My head hurt and my chest throbbed. I looked down to see a bloody mass on my torso, I sat up immediately, wondering why I was hurt, but it seemed to be healing quickly. I stood up and looked around. I was in a white room, wires hooked to a machine and a chair and table stood near a window, across from the bed and nightstand I was near. Where was I? I went and looked outside, seeing I was at least eight stories up from the ground. I walked over to the door and saw a clipboard on the back. Picking it up I saw the name Aleira, it must be mine. Voices were coming from behind the door, voices I didn???t know. I reached down and locked it quietly then went to the bed and laid back down wondering if I was going to die as the pain in my chest grew. I laid there for what felt like forever until I heard the window open. I shot up off the bed and backed into the corner as a guy came in the room. ???Who are you???? I asked, though he had a familiar look about him.
???You know who I am Aleira,??? he said.
???No. I don???t leave me alone,??? I said, scared now.
???YOU LIE!??? he yelled at me and I heard people running in the hall way, banging the door. He ran up to me and pulled me towards him, ???You know who I am! Don???t try and escape what was!??? he hissed.
I looked in his eyes and something came into my head, ???Torin???? I asked.
???I knew you couldn???t fake it! Though you had me going. . .??? he said, shoving me against a wall.
???Leave me alone. . .Torin,??? I said, shaking now, but I wanted to fight back.
???You have always been obstinate haven???t you Aliera???? he asked.
???I don???t know what you are talking about,??? I said, gritting my teeth as he pushed me closer to the wall.
???I don???t know why your lying,??? he said, ???Hmmm. . .???
???I just want to be left alone. . .I don???t know what???s going on or who I am or. . .or. . .??? I said, a tear rolling down my face.
???You really don???t know what is going on???? he asked, a gleam in his eye.
???N-no,??? I said.
Suddenly he became even more familiar, his face relaxed and the anger wemt out of his eyes, ???Aleira! This is great!??? he said grabbing my hands.
I pulled away quickly, hitting my head against the wall, ???Wh-what???? I asked, hesitantly.
???We can go! We can relive! No one, not even him will get in our way!??? he said, happily.
I looked at him. He was insane. ???No,??? I said.
???No???? he asked, sorrow coming to his eyes.
???No. Your. . .your,??? I started, then a sharp pain shot through my head and I knew who he was, remembered, ???Torin????
???Yes, Aleira???? he asked, looking at me hopefully.
???I don???t. . .love you,??? I said involuntarily.
???Aleira,??? he started, anger coming back, ???You don???t know what your saying.???
???I do, you don???t want me to love anyone else, there are others out there, I just can???t remember,??? I said quietly.
???Aleira???? he asked.
???Torin, please???? I asked.
???Big mistake,??? he said, pulling his knife out.
I ducked beneath his arm as he raised it and ran to the door, unlocking it. I ran out into the hall, him chasing behind me causing people to stare.
???She???s alive!??? someone shouted.
???You revealed our existence Aleira! Our curse! I don???t want to, but I have to make you pay! You???ll suffer! I???ll give you another curse to live with!???
I saw a empty gurney as I rounded the corner and shoved it behind me, then ducked into a room. I shut the door quickly behind me, and turned to see a young girl sitting next to a old man in a bed, and for the moment, time seemed to stand still.
???Who-who came???? the man asked, looking straight above.
???I-I don???t know,??? the girl said. She must have been around eleven.
???At least another someone is here to see me off,??? he said, smiling a little.
???Please grandpa, don???t say that,??? the girl asked, her eyes tearing.
???Alexandra, you know it is true,??? the old man said. I watched in silence, wanting to leave, but something held me back. ???Come closer Aleira,??? the man said.
???You. . .you know my name???? I asked and stated.
???You give off an aura of life, I can sense so much of it. More than a newborn infant,??? he said.
???How do you do that???? I asked, sitting down in a chair next to the girl who just stared at me.
???What, know life? I never have been able to, I guess it just comes with death,??? he said.
???Grandpa. . .??? the girl pleaded.
???Goodbye Alexandra, you will be of help, don???t worry,??? he said, then his hands relaxed, eyes closed, and he seemed asleep.
A force willed me to take the girls hand and I did then said, ???You will help like your grandfather said, don???t worry, your not alone,??? then heard a something crash into the door.
???Aleira!??? I know your in there!??? came a shout.
???Hide under the bed,??? I said.
The door flew open, edges spintering as Torin came in, ???Hiding behind a corpse???? he asked with a sneer.
???Leave me alone!??? I yelled then ran to the window and jumped out, noticing it was raining. I landed on my back, a few stories down, hurting it, but somehow I knew to go on. I ran, and kept running until I reached the woods. What was I going to do?
* * *
???And that???s when you met me???? Rule asked.
???Yeah,??? I said, reaching to clutch my chest, pain shooting through it. Rule rushed over to help me, clutching me to his chest.
???Aleira, think. You love me, you know you do. Look through your mind,??? he said, ???Look through your heart.???
I looked him in his slit eyes, not losing contact, because I knew if I did I might never come back. I searched his eyes for any bit of lie, then as they changed back to their normal grey felt it saw it. A surge of memories. All of them came back. I had tried to block them out, I had tried to get rid of them, to start over. ???Rule!??? I said, hugging him. It was really the first time I had seen him since. . .Torin. . .since everything. I tackled him with a hug, and he smiled.
???Thank God!??? he said happily.
???Torin. . .??? I said, ???I still can???t die, can I???? I asked.
???No, do you still want to???? Rule asked, sitting up.
???I don???t know anymore. It may be better that I do,??? I said sadly, laughing a little.
???No! No, it-it won???t be better if you do. You can???t go,??? he said with down cast eyes.
???Rule!??? I said.
???What???? he asked.
???I love you!??? I said, kissing him then looking in his eyes.
???You remember!??? he said smiling.
???Yes!??? I said, laughing, but doubled over feeling the laughter in my lungs.
???You okay???? he asked as soon as I could sit up again.
???Yeah,??? I told him between my labored breaths.
???What are we going to do???? he asked, putting his arm around me, then his wing.
It felt as though he was hiding me from the world. ???We have to wander,??? I said thinking.
???Wander???? he asked.
???YEah, we need to get away. Not run away, just getaway. Something out there is calling us, but we have to find it. Now is our time,??? I said.
???But Aliera, we have no idea what we are doing, e have no idea where to start,??? Rule kept going on.
???Rule, hush for a minute. I need to think,??? I said, ???Somewhere unknown is all I can think,??? I said.
???What do you mean by unknown???? Rule asked.
???Just unknown. There is land. No one knows what it holds, no one knows where it is, but we can???t get there alone,??? I said.
???Torrin???? he asked.
???No. . . we have to go somewhere every one is afraid of going,??? I said, ???Well humans are afraid of going.???
???Somwhere???? he asked.
???The girl!??? I said suddenly, remembering the girl at the hospital.
???What girl???? Rule asked.
???Alexandra, she was at the hospital. There was someone. . .her grandfather. They were different too. It???s this place. We all get dragged here eventually,??? I said.
???So we find her, and see if she knows any thing,??? Rule said.
???I don???t know if she knows anything, but that???s our best chance,??? I said, ???We???ll go and look for her tomorrow.???
???Yeah, it???s getting dark anyways. It???s been too much and you need sleep, you need to heal,??? Rule said.
???I can heal without sleep, I am tired though,??? I said, as Rule laid down, and then I put my head on the crook of his arm. What were we going to do? We were lost and we either looked for the reason of our existence or faced eternal suffering against Torin. We were lost. I closed my eyes and buried my head in Rule???s shirt, wishing I???d be here forever and not in the world, then fell asleep.
* * *
???YOU!??? I heard Torin???s voice, ???You said this wouldn???t happen!??? it came again, then I heard glass

  1. READ???
    21st Dec 2010 15:51
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  4. Read???
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