my best friends
14 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
22nd Feb 2010 09:14 my best friends
lemuex66 i met her on my old acount hollymay22 (forgot my password) and we were from then BFF's and are gonna be for a very long time.
michaelager (Micha) We met in an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G club (i will never forget) and we just found the bright side of each other and became one
luv ya Micha i will never forget blink.(so glad your not quitting)
sarahluke we have been friends fo AGES and i will NEVER EVER for get you luv you to.
grannycakes we met when she was quitting and giving all and we just clicked besties for evs luv you also.
puppyhus we met at a givaway we both apped for the same pet and well i won then she got the other pet that was being given even though she didnt app for it and shes so kind and giving she gave her pet she won to her best friend and well after i heard that i knew we would be best friends well i dont think i could ever beat her other best friends but still.