Hello, call me Feather. We have talked before on a forum but you left before I could ask you if I could have your Zoink )= So I just had to apply when I saw this. A sad sob story? Here I go--I saw someone was [i]giving[/i] their zoink away so I applied and waited and waited. I finally mm her and she says, if you want it you have to give me 700k. O.o That's against the rules and she said it was a GIVEAWAY! Last time I checked, giveaways did not involve payment.
Another? I have been doing Trotter in my attempt for a Zoink and without thinking I bought this 400k DVD about some Island, cleaned me out of money! Thankfully, purchases in my store have helped, but 400k, I am SO stupid! Plus it was only rarity 9!
Okay, enough sad sobbies, they bring back pain )= Jk. Um...okay here's the boring stuff that I have to put in there, because, well, yeah...
I won't, will not, trade or portal Oink_piggy. By the way, about his name, I think it's cute and I don't care if it isn't r/n or r/w.
Another thing, I will not portal him! That's what Sailboat is for XD
So please, please let me be the new owner! Finally someone that rewards me for begging! Obviously those stories made you realize how ridiculously badly I want a Zoink! Thanks for having this giveaway....
Feather =D