17 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
19th May 2007 17:49 I just got these Doritos, where they want you to taste them and figure out what flavor they are. They taste like when you go to Burger King and take off the pickles and leave the mustard then eat the burger. Its like mustard-dill pickle... but then it says at the bottom "Tasting notes: All-American Classic" which makes me think burgers.
Mabey I am right.
Buy my AU items!!!
17 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
19th May 2007 00:42 Buy my October 2006 AU items in my shop! Please and thanks!!
17 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
18th May 2007 22:30 I went to get my braces fixed up a bit the other day, and they said I would get them off in June, well now they changed it to July, I can't belive it, every time the time is a month away, they always move it farther forward. I do EVERYTHING they tell me to, and they lady is gonna tell me I don't.
Hows she gonna tell me what I do.
10 days of avatars!
17 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
14th May 2007 21:35 Nevermind it didn't work out anyways
17 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
14th May 2007 16:06 Ok, weirdest thing today. I was taking a test in Algebra today, and I was listening to my iPod and all of a sudden I started to sing for some reason and it got super loud and everyone was just STARTING AT ME!!
Some girl said I should go on American Idol.
then our teacher got angry at us because he said we didn't say the years right, I mean I agree, since its not suppose to be "Two-thousand and seven" its actually "Twenty-oh seven". GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE. Kthxbye.