[2013] Goals
11 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
30th Dec 2012 09:29 ACCOUNT GOALS
[ ] 625 Avatars
[ ] 625 Photos
[ ] 475 Plushies
[ ] 10 Million MPs banked
[ ] 25 Million MPs banked
[ ] 50 Million MPs banked
[ ] 100 Gym / 50 Elites
[ ] Intermediate in all Olympic Categories (100 Gym / 90 Elites)
[x] Become Angel Sindi [2013/2/13]
[ ] 100 Gym / 50 Elites
[ ] Intermediate in all Olympic Categories (100 Gym / 90 Elites)
[ ] Become Wizard Sindi
[ ] Intermediate in all Olympic Categories (100 Gym / 90 Elites)
[ ] 100 Gym / 50 Elites
[ ] Intermediate in all Olympic Categories (100 Gym / 90 Elites)
[ ] Complete all instruments (Troll Killer)
[ ] All non-retired books (Tarquin Killer)
[ ] All non-retired CDs (Trunx Killer)
[ ] All non-retired DVDs (Trotter Killer)
[2012] Completed Goals
12 years & 10 days ago
16th Dec 2012 18:59 PASHKA
[x] Turn Pashka into a Seasonal Chibs [2012/04/16]
[x] 100 Gym / 50 Elites [2012/12/16]
[x] Turn Sergei into an Old Chibs [2012/11/06]
[x] 950 Gourmet Foods [2012/12/02]
[x] 1050 Gourmet Foods [2012/12/16]
Enchanted Plushie Machine Snags
12 years & 18 days ago
8th Dec 2012 14:04 Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Easter Egg Plushie! [59k]
Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Underwater Ideus Plushie! [500k]
Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Snowman Plushie! [800k]
Congratulations! You managed to pick up a White Snookle Plushie [275k]
You found 23,604MP!
Sergei's Stuffs
12 years & 21 days ago
5th Dec 2012 17:34 Books: 193 / 336
Newspapers: 45 / 630
Magazines: 65 / 1344
DVDs: 109 / 241
CDs: 158 / 258
Instruments: 176 / 470
Gourmet Foods: 1052 / 1193
Current Exchange Price: 742,200MP
Last updated: 12/25/2012 at 10:12PM EST.