Musician for hire
17 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
9th May 2007 14:07 MalaColt is willing to play for the Troll. He costs 10,035mp to accept, so I would need 11,000mp for travel expenses. Since the cost of the more "rare" instruments is usually more than 1 mil and MalaColt knows them all, he charges a minimum of 100k per gig. Feel free to offer more if you think it's worth it.
If you are interested, please MM prior to starting the mission to be sure I will be around and for all terms and conditions. Just because it says I'm "online" doesn't mean I'm sitting right here waiting for something to happen around here.
Pet Peeves
17 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
3rd May 2007 12:21 Please click "Read All" at the bottom. Send me yours! I'll add them to the list with credit to you.
~^~ Club invites from strangers!
~^~ White text
~^~ Making ridiculously low bids in trades
~^~ Whining - it's just a game, kids
~^~ Bad spelling/grammar
~^~ Not saying thank you when someone sends you an item for FREE. Even if it's "from" the snowman
~^~ Shop pricing 1mp lower - I never use quick search
~^~ People who ask for help and then are too suspicious to let anyone help
~^~ Newbies who mail asking for items and pets. -- sam1232015
~^~ Rude people -- jenbob321
~^~ Marauploads not working -- jenbob321
~^~ I HATE it when ever people don't read my profile before asking me to join a club. My profile is pretty clear on saying that I don't want to join a club. -- Westiepup