Pet Peeves
17 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
3rd May 2007 12:21 Please click "Read All" at the bottom. Send me yours! I'll add them to the list with credit to you.
~^~ Club invites from strangers!
~^~ White text
~^~ Making ridiculously low bids in trades
~^~ Whining - it's just a game, kids
~^~ Bad spelling/grammar
~^~ Not saying thank you when someone sends you an item for FREE. Even if it's "from" the snowman
~^~ Shop pricing 1mp lower - I never use quick search
~^~ People who ask for help and then are too suspicious to let anyone help
~^~ Newbies who mail asking for items and pets. -- sam1232015
~^~ Rude people -- jenbob321
~^~ Marauploads not working -- jenbob321
~^~ I HATE it when ever people don't read my profile before asking me to join a club. My profile is pretty clear on saying that I don't want to join a club. -- Westiepup