4 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
25th Jul 2020 06:23 Heyy I'm new to MaraPets.I'm trying to stay as happy as possible but quarantine is getting me down so I thought we could create a clan and go through this
crazyy experience they call life together cause lets be real we might be posting superr cute photos to ig but we are not all super confident with beyonce hair.Please picture a me giving heartfelt sigh at this point...
5 reasons being a teenage girl is hard.
1.We are all unconfident.
BECAUSE we are all so unconfident we are snarky towards each other
3.We are supposed to look perfect at all times with long manicured nails, Beyonce hair and have no acne and if we are cursed with acne we must attack ourselves with the dreaded foundation brush.
4.This is the first time in our life we are allowed to buy chocolate whenever we want.Wich gives us spot's.See point 3
5.HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Enough said.
Well that's all for for today! I will try to post daily so tune in tomorrow for more.Meanwhile lets all try to stay sane.
Thanks for reading!!!