things to know
4 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
27th Jul 2020 13:07 i'm 24 years old, and i live with my partner and our pets. we have cats, snakes, and mice (the mice are companion animals, not snake food).
i accidentally overlook maratalk messages a
lot, so maramail is the best way to reach me. i like maratalk for chatting and other things that aren't time-sensitive.
i'm always willing to lend my pets! just keep in mind that digested and ice_cream_baby have fees over 1 mil. if you need them for missions or something else with a time limit, please maramail me and mention how long you have left.
i play marapets on my phone, and i'm always logged in, so my online status may be deceptive. i'm in central time, but sometimes i stay up until mara-midnight. & i might be making dinner around 4-7pm.
my browser has kind of screwy “are you sure you want to buy this” popups – they tend to vanish instead of letting me click them. i usually try to keep my mp on hand under 400k, so i'm not accidentally buying photos i already have left-and-right. (this also means i get auction striked constantly, so i'm sorry if i do that to your auction; i'd rather pay 50k for auction strikes than repeatedly buy 500k photos.)
my social battery takes a while to recharge, so i may not be able to chat with you - especially because i'm often on marapets to
recover from socializing! also, i prefer to talk to people around my age. if you have teachers that are younger than me, it can feel pretty awkward.
untaken pet names
4 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
14th Jul 2020 15:23 i find a lot of untaken names while brainstorming ideas for my own pets – so, inspired by all the other people who've done this, i'll put words i don't end up using here. if possible, let me know if you take a name.
note: i'm not sure if this will be an issue, because these are mostly obscure words and it's not like i'm the only one that could come up with them, but...i'd appreciate if you don't make these pets just to auction them. if i notice anyone doing that a lot, i'll probably remove this blog. BESEECH
to urgently and fervently ask for somethingCANONIZE / CANONIZEDto officially declare a person to be a saintCOGNIZANCEknowledge, awareness, or noticeDEGENERACYdeterioration; moral corruption or wickednessEPISTEMOLOGYthe theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scopeHEEDLESS
showing a reckless lack of careIMPRECATE
to invoke evil against someone; to curse themINVOCATEto appeal to a higher power for helpLEPIDpleasant; charming; amusingLIMNdepict or describe in painting or wordsLOANWORDa word adopted from a foreign language with little or no modificationMISSALbook containing complete service for massMITHRIDATEa semi-mythical poison antidote with as many as 65 ingredients, said to be created by mithridates vi eupator of pontusMUROIDa rodent from the superfamily muroideaNITRIC / AQUAFORTISnitric acid and the alchemical term for it; uses the symbol 🜅NOVITIATEthe period or state of being a novice, especially in a religious orderPRECISa summary or abstract of a text or speechPROCEEDbegin or continue a course of actionRHETORICIANan expert in formal rhetoric, or a speaker whose words are intended to impress or persuadeSCOPOPHOBIAfear of being looked atSELFCAREthe practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own healthSUPPLICATEto humbly ask or beg for somethingZETETICproceeding by inquiry; a search or investigation--- names that have been used ---AUTOPHAGYliterally means “self-devouring”, but usually used to refer to a few different cellular processesCONSCIOUSNESS
a mind's awareness of itself and the worldMALEDICT
to utter a curse againstORATORYcan mean either a small chapel, or the art of formal speech
pet goals
4 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
18th Jun 2020 14:32 i've already accomplished some of these, but i figured a list could be fun! many are super easy, but as a newbie it was fun to have casual goals like the recycling costume. a lot of my unlisted pets are just because they were too easy, or because they're happy operations portal accidents
[undecided] an
eleka / insideout justin (working towards a maker myself! should take under 6 months...)
chrysopoeia a
gold zola ? (not interested in buying now; waiting until i pull a maker from the machine myself or the price goes down again)
leonardo a
mad scientist ike / viotto ?P R E S E N T
...actually draw my pets.
aside from that, none right now! i was rushing to get my achievable goal pets after joining so they'd benefit from the “all your pets gain x stats” rewards, so now i'm just working on the pets i have.
P A S Trecycled doyle named
makino (the priest from siren)
mad scientist kidlet named
leonardodemontreal (from chuubo's)
injured doyle named
[changed to miyata to match makino]zombie kidlet named
bisect (she's the front half of a goat! hilarious.)
candle limax named
secretebug quell named
hesychasm arcade xoi named
unicodemutant ideus named
liturgyfairy gobble named
chuubo (can't have leonardo without also having Chuubo Himself)
insideout poera named
ritualize royal nino named
arcanum (i was looking at royal pet colors for the goal, and royal ninos are just so cute...)
school jessup named
rationalistthunder figaro named
qualia (but i was taking photos of some different figaro colours first, and ended up liking her even more in the staff costume, so...the thunder costume will go on her brother
noema instead!)
slime kronk named
digested (formerly ushunda)