Capsule Machine Prize Tracker
3 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
12th Jun 2021 07:26 Number of Zolas won: 0
15 Attempts:
1 Breakfast Pizza
2 Echlin Cake Pop
1 Halloween Ushunda Plushie
1 Overpriced
1 Rancid
3 Rude
1 Severed Zola Head
1 Spring Spell Book
1 Underwater Sugar Cube
1 Wreck It Raulf
2 Zola Heart
Copied directly from MrDraco
4 years & 18 days ago
25th Dec 2020 02:32 I kept losing this, so I pasted it here for quick reference. Thank you MrDraco for compiling this list!
LE Maker Values
27th Oct 2020 22:29
As of October 28, 2020
Arinya - 9mil - 10miil
Astro - 3mil - 4mil
Basil - 40mil
Chibs - 35mil - 40mil
Crikey - 45mil - 50mil
Daisy - 20mil (approximate as prices vary)
Dakota - 10mil - 12mil
Decadal - 200mil - 250mil
Echlin - 12mil - 15mil
Ercuw - 10mil - 12mil
Eyru - 9mil - 11mil
Figaro - 9mil
Gizmo - 4mil
Gobble - 12mil - 15mil
Hump - 15mil - 20mil
Huthiq - 7mil - 8mil
Ike - 12mil - 14mil
Justin - 100mil - 120mil
Kronk - 7mil - 8mil
Kujo - 8mil - 10mil
Lati - 10mil - 11mil
Limax - 20mil - 25mil
Lorius - 18mil - 20mil
Mordo - 20mil
Nino - 7mil - 8mil
Oglue - 7mil - 8mil
Phanty - 5mil
Poera - 8mil - 9mil
Pucu - 30mil - 35mil
Quell - 20mil - 25mil
Raulf - 25mil - 30mil
Rofling - 100mil - 120mil
Rusty - 18mil - 20mil
Sindi - 8mil - 10mil
Snookle - 9mil - 10mil
Straya - 25mil - 30mil
Sybri - 8mil
Tasi - 8mil
Troit - 4mil - 5mil
Ushunda - SS
Viotto - 9mil - 11mil
Vixen - 18mil - 20mil
Vlad - 15mil - 17mil
Wallop - 20mil - 22mil
Willa - 15mil - 17mil
Yuni - 22mil - 25mil
Zoink - 7mil - 8mil
Zola - 90mil - 100mil
Zoosh - 2mil
Pets for trade!
4 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
7th Dec 2020 06:20 Here's an up-to-date list of which pets I'm willing to trade:
Borm: Silver Mordo
Wraithlike: Ghost Snookle (eventually a Phantom Snookle)
Dianmu: Thunder Lati (want to make her a thunder Zola; much better species for a thunder goddess!)
Sleuther: Tundra Poera
Zuro: Halloween Olgue
Defiler: Voodoo Gobble
Sylvaria: Midnight Mordo
From My Cold, Dead Hands:
The rest 😆
To the Mods:
4 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
21st Jul 2020 13:47 Hi! I saw some blogs like these and figured I would add one of my own!
I travel frequently for work and often use my phone, laptop, and work computers for mara. It is not uncommon for me to drive long distances, sometimes out of state. I'm on many random hours of the day since my job is more or less 24 hours. Thank you for not banning me for my insane work schedule!